Monday, May 1, 2017


May 1, 9:00 am
Now for some REAL good news, not that 'I wish I had some good news to share' stuff from last night.

When Stacy and I got here, we could tell they had gotten some fluid off because the nasal cannula wasn't smashed against face.  At around 3:00 am the flood gates opened, his kidney's kicked in, and he started peeing. And boy has he peed.  In the last 12 hours he has peed off 1900 ml, that's just under 2 liters of fluid.  Yes, that is one of those 2 liter jugs of root beer you open for pizza night!  He also drained another liter out his drain tubes!  He looks and acts better.  Still not feeling great, but much better.  His blood pressures are in the normal ranges (they have been to low the last few days).  He has taken his meds and NOT thrown up. His heart pressures (CVP) are still too high, would like to see that come down. They have turned off and moved out the dialysis machine.  It's just sitting in the corner as a good luck charm.  We all think as long as that thing is sitting over there staring at Gage and his kidney, that he will keep on pee'n.  They are giving him some blood to help with something.

(1/2 hour later)
Kidney doctors just came by.  They are very happy with his urine output in the last 12 hours.   We are still not out of the woods, but we are finally moving in the right direction with some real good news.
Today they will be watching (quite closely) his blood pressure, his CVP pressure (pressure inside the heart), urine output, chest tube output, various blood and kidney levels, heart function, and a host of other stuff I am not smart enough to understand.

Remember, he is still in bed with plenty of pain and discomfort.  Still moans, won't smile, and still needs pain meds, even morphine at times.  But he is definitely moving in the right direction, something we have been waiting for for many days.

We will keep you posted as the day progresses.  If Gage is up to it, we might even do a Facebook live.


  1. Prayers are answered.... soooooo thankful he is peeing and peeing and peeing ✔️
    He looks much better today... your always in our 🙏🏼PRAYERS🙏🏼

  2. Thinking of you, and as always in awe of your strength and love


  3. Love that news, prayers are answered. Way to hang in there and keep up the positive attitude. Love you guys.

    Aunt pam

  4. I can't find the FB page? What's the name of it so I can follow it?

  5. YAY! I've been following for a long time but can't find where the Facebook lives are... Could you point me in the right direction?

    (Stupid blogger isn't recognizing my Google ID... hence... anonymous... sigh)

  6. Hallelujah! And the good luck charm in the corner of the room is a great idea:)
    Keep on working kidneys! Sorry Gage is in such pain, but phew... hopefully each day it will be less and less.

  7. Prayers and huggs for you all..

  8. So thankful!! Keeping you all in our prayers!
    Robert & Melissa

  9. May day...May's a fabulous day. So glad to hear the good news. He's still in our prayers and thoughts. Your family is simply amazing and that is such an understatement. Onward and upward.

  10. Yea!!! Prayers answered, more prayers headed your way.

  11. Gage that THUMBS UP is almost as good as a smile! Feel better...

  12. Dancing a happy dance. He looks so good in the photos!

  13. What wonderful news! Keep up the great work kidneys and hang in there Gage! Continued prayers for healing from Texas.

  14. Amen! And Amen! Prayers answered. More prayers coming your way. Praise the Lord. So, so happt to hear this good news! Hang in there Man of Steel! Wishing you all peace, comfort, no pain, and healing from High Valley!

  15. Hallajuah! everyone's spirits lifted.Thumbs up to you Gage. What a brave young fighter
    God is still on the throne

  16. That's wonderful news! He looks so much less puffy in his pictures! I'm so happy his kidneys have kicked in! Sending healing and love!

  17. Gage, you are one the toughest warrior I know.
    You Binghams know how to pull together and fight for what matters! You inspire us all. Our faith and prayers will continue for you.

  18. Glad to hear you finally have some good news. I'll keep praying for totally awesome news though. What a tough little bugger I'd be sobbing like a baby needing the morphine around the clock. Please, please, please let us know how to find the Facebook posts. I've checked everywhere. Also many many people have asked. Know your very busy but maybe list in the blog sometime. Thanks so much.

  19. Nothing makes a nurse happier than emptying a full catheter bag when you are wanting output!!!! Ya!!!!!!! So happy things are turning in the right direction. In my prayers every day!!!!!

    Jamie Noto

  20. Praise God. Will remember you in prayer. God Bless you and your family.

  21. This makes me so happy! Little Gage is always in my prayers and heart. He is a Bingham - so he will make it through this!

    1. Do you happen to know if there is a public FB page I can follow too? They keep mentioning it, but it can't seem to find it! :)

  22. Very happy to hear! Gage, you, and your other children are in my prayers.

  23. Great job, kidneys!!! Sounds like Gage is headed in the right direction!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. where can i find you guys on Facebook
