Saturday, April 15, 2017

Levels are Therapeutic

The doctors just finished rounds.  All great reports.  His Prograf levels are "therapeutic", they want them between 10-12 and his was 10.  They will wait and see what tomorrows is, if it is still therapeutic, then they will stop the prednisone.  He is still retaining some fluid, this morning his face was a little swollen.  They are giving him an extra dose today and changing the timing to a little earlier in the evening.  He has been up a lot the last few nights peeing a lot.  His sleep has not been the most sound sleep.  This makes him very tired during the day.  We're hoping by moving the timing of his lasix from 8 to 6 PM he can sleep a little better at night.  Technically he could go home probably tomorrow, but, with the "wound Vac" on he has to wait until Tuesday.

This morning before rounds, Sierra went and hid a bunch of chocolate eggs around the 3rd floor.  Gage had to go find them.  Not sure how many there were, or if we got them all, but it encouraged Gage to get out and go for a walk.

His appetite is slowly improving.  They are doing a calorie count to see if he is eating enough and they can take the feeding tube out.  Let's hope he can be done with that tube.

Plans for friends to come visit today.  Easter egg hunts, baseball games, funeral and playroom in our plans for today.


  1. This is all fantastic stuff... he is looking good...
    Tuesday will come soon and your little family can be together in the RMH...

  2. When you say he could probably go home, do you mean RMH? Or actual home? Give him a big squeeze for me!

  3. ��������������❤❤������

  4. Great news!! You guys are so amazing!!! Glad he is doing so well!

  5. Thoughtful blog, thanks for posting.
