Thursday, April 13, 2017

Drum Roll Please!!

And the biopsy results are........ a big fat ZERO!!!!!!!  That means minimal prednisone, and NO moon face.  Sierra and Lindsey will be are very jealous!   The heart pressures in his heart were high, 16, they want these numbers in the 5-9 range.  However, they were not surprised, it relates to all the fluid he is still hiding in his body.  All the rest of his IV's come out today leaving him with nothing but the NG  feeding tube.  IF he can eat well, then that will come out as well.  he is starting to get a little bit of an appetite, but we shall see.  Today he received the okay to head upstairs to the 3rd floor and OUT of the CVICU, where he will be able to go to the hospital school and the playroom.  He is excited for that.

The answers to the quiz are: B-A-D-C.  The B is before ANYTHING was done, showing only the enlarged heart. A or course is he HeartWare with all the other lovely stuff he had for 512 days. The D is right after transplant.  You can see the 3 chest tubes wrapped up inside his body. The C is deceiving, it looks enlarged but is actually perfect, just the angle is different. On the C you will notice the pacer wires that were used after transplant to assist the kidneys, but those wires have been taken out now.

Jason returned home yesterday, so we are here without him.  He will probably return in a week and a half or so.  We all hate being apart, but are happy these times are coming to an end soon.

On a much more serious note, as we celebrate these great strides Gage is taking in the right direction, our minds are heavily with the donor family.  You feel all sorts of emotions, guilt, that our child survived, and guilt for feeling joy at how well our child is doing because of their gift.  Sorrow for that child not with their family anymore. Devastation at the emptiness they will have in their home. So many other emotions.  These emotions have been felt with each of our children's transplants.

A few days ago, a local family in our church we know well, suffered a tragedy with their youngest two year old child.  Such an irony as the timing was close to Gage's transplant.  We see the devastation and sorrow they and the rest of the community are experiencing.  It is a blunt reminder of what Gage's donor family must be experiencing.  We feel guilty we prayed that Gage's transplant would happen 'soon'.  My heart aches for all parties involved.  Please keep these families in your prayers as the mourning is not a short process. Please know, I say this with the most reverence for our friends who lost there precious 2 year old, and the donor family.  May they be comforted and feel Gods love for them.

Gage ready to go to 3West 
 Gage with no lines in his hands." AAHhhhhhh, feels so good."
 Heading in for yesterday's biopsy

Yah, we will cut it!  I'm not sure he wants to cut it?


  1. I am rejoicing with you all! What great news, he's come so far since the surgery. My thoughts and prayers have remained with the donor family. I can't begin to imagine their loss and the emptiness they now must incorporate into their daily routine. Gage is honoring the gift of life they gave him by continuing to improve while blessing everyone with his smile and spirit. Through Gage their child's heart continues to beat. I pray that one day they will find peace and comfort in this. My faith continues to be renewed through your unwavering belief despite your trials and tribulations.

  2. Boy.. I was on pins and needles waiting for this new and wonderful information!! Zero?? Seriously!!! What a blessing! So happy for Gage and you all!!

  3. Gage looks great! Such good news.
    Prayers for the donor family. Such a precious gift they have given.

  4. Wow!I love the progress report. So many things to be thankful for. What an amazing family you are. Prayers for Gage also the donor family will continue. I can't imagine having to be in either situation. Both families I'm sure are torn in many different directions. Love and prayers to all involved. Oh and on a lighter note...I think Jason should keep the hair

  5. There just are not enough appropriate words for the donor family in their terrible loss....just praying they are feeling the gratefulness of all of us and also the sorrow we feel for them. Gage looks great, and that smile says it all. Prayers continue in High Valley.

  6. I have tears of joy reading this about the biopsy results. Truly bittersweet as well. You expressed it beautifully. Still sending love and prayers from Oneida NY. Jennifer

  7. So happy for Gage and his family and heart broken for the donor family and the family of the 2 year old. All 3 families are in our prayers.

  8. You expressed this so well. I am so sorry for your Palo Alto family and friends loss.

  9. So very happy to read of Gage's biopsy results and that he will be able to go up to 3 West! Love seeing him without all those lines!

  10. Such incredible news and beautiful insights to the emotions of a transplant. I can't wait for your family to be all together at home again. 💕
