Sunday, February 12, 2017

15 Months and 1 Day

February 11, 2017
Here’s to 15 months and 1 day on the list (or 460 days), but who’s counting?

Once again heading back to Calif aboard Alaska flight 2403. The week at home went by very fast.  Tax season is in full swing and we are a workin’ hard to get r done. Megan had four games scheduled this week. Two were make up’s for previous snow days and two were regular scheduled games.  However, for the THIRD time this year Nixyawaaii canceled their make-up game due to bad weather.  So that game will be made up for the 4th time this Monday or Tuesday.  One of the main reasons I came home when I did was to watch that highly anticipated game.  We did play and beat (barely) Helix and Cove and will have Wallowa today.  I s

till hate leaving Megan home. I know she is in good hands with my brother and family but it’s not HER family.  It is awfully hard on Stacy to miss out on so much of Megan’s life.

Stacy made it through the week running kids around.  We did sign Gage up for Little League baseball.  He is really excited about that.  Anything we can do to help him feel ‘normal’.  Of course, he will be watched closely for his activity level and safety.

Sierra had a follow up biopsy this last week.  They increased one of her meds and wanted to see if her 1b rejection had gone down.  Now she has a 1A. It’s not a zero, but definitely in the right direction.  Her next biopsy will be in 3 months (which will be her 2 year anniversary on her new heart).

Last of all the hair.  Hunter, Gage and I have some serious hair issues. It’s all long and ugly.  I am able to keep mine in an awesome man bun but Hunter and Gage’s hair is all over the place.  Stacy and I want to hold them down and shave it OFF, but maybe we can compromise with a stylish trim.  Stand by for that.

Tonight should be fun.  In addition to the usual running kids around for games and activities, Stacy and I have been invited to a formal Valentine’s Dance.  It will be fun to get dressed up and go out for the night.  Stacy is going to look smokin’ hot!! (am I too old to be saying stuff like that)

Anyway here’s to 15 months on list.

Hunter and Gage at their Nixon Elementary ice skating party.  Lindsey helped Gage for a little bit, then Stacy stepped in.  He received a few bruises, a good one on his knee and one on his face. However, he was starting to get down ice skating.



  1. How about a little business in the front and party in the back.... mullet time baby! And I'm loving the 1A status!

  2. Jason I really think Josh is on to something here....go for the mullet. Jake had one. Thanks for the update and the photos. We love you guys.

  3. Glad you and Stacy are getting a little me time with the Valentine's Day dance. So happy for Gage getting to play baseball. Tell the boys they have to have haircuts in order to play baseball...can pick up where the balls going faster since their hair is not in the way of their vision lol. Hope they believe it lol. Thanks so much for the update. Just have to keep thinking the lord is having Gage wait such a long time in order to get a golden that will be absolutely perfect for him. Happy Valentine's Day Bingham family. Isn't it Lindsey's anniversary today? I may have the date wrong...if I'm right congratulations to her.

  4. Haven't heard anything in a while. Everything ok. Did Gage get a new heart? Thinking of you. All my love

  5. I'm getting more worried. I know you must be busy, but could someone please let me/us know what is going on? I hope it's good news that Gage has gotten his transplant, but whatever it is I am here to support and love

  6. Watching here for any news?!?!?! Hope all is well. Have been following your journey since I saw the Dateline special!

  7. I hope all is well.

  8. I am also worried, but I hope is it because there is good news. Maybe Gage is getting his heart

  9. I hope all is well. It's been a long time since you updated us! Praying there is good news.
