Sunday, December 18, 2016

Day 405, Sunday, December 18

Yes we have joined the 400 club......anyway,  

Once again heading back to Calif. Wish we had something crazy to report. Fortunately, (or unfortunately) we are still in the same status. At Day 405, Gage is in good health, and is ready and waiting for his new perfect heart.

Had a good and very cold week in Oregon.   After a couple of winter storms we have about 13 inches of snow in our front yard.  After the storms the temperature has dropped with highs around 10 degrees and lows around -15.  Our Blaze King fireplace is working overtime to keep our home warm.  Good to see Megan. She is still living at Justin and Emily’s when I am not there.  She stays pretty busy with school, basketball and friends (one in particular).

As of last Friday, kids are on Christmas break.  Sierra had some tough finals but she thinks she did well. Lindsey finally got all her assignments turned in, and the boys and Stacy are excited to be on break.  This week I will be changing California offices. For the last year I have been working out of a law office in Palo Alto.  That office is now closing and moving to San Francisco, so I have been looking for a new place to work from while in Calif.  I have a few options I am working on, I’m just trying to find an office that will work with our unique life schedule.

As for how we are ‘doing’. Well we are about the same as always.  In our last post, Stacy explained very well the underlying thoughts and feelings from all of us.  We see tough situations there at the RMH, and it sure puts life into perspective. 

Not sure where we will be for Christmas.  So far we have 4 plans:

Plan A: Gage gets his transplant before Christmas, Megan comes down and we spend Christmas with Gage in the ICU. 

Plan B: Megan flys down Wednesday (after the Adrian game). Then after Gage’s appointment on Thursday, we all come home (to Oregon) for Christmas. We watch Megan’s games in LaGrande, then back to California for New Years.

Plan C: Megan flys down Wednesday. Gage has his appointment, but weather or other ‘factors’ arise which does not allow us to go home.  We enjoy Christmas together in someone’s home.

Plan D: Who knows?????  At some point we will get the call, right?  We are even sending Dr Katz (the heart surgeon) a Christmas card to let him know we are ‘thinking’ about him. 

Here’s to the 400 club.

Till next time,


 Snow back home.

And Brogan...

Gage at his pancake pajama breakfast on the last day of school before winter break.

 Gage's teacher, Mary Blazinsky.
The Christmas break celebration dinner.


  1. My continued thoughts and prayers. Hoping Santa delivers that super awesome gift you've all been waiting so patiently for. Happy Holidays to your family.

  2. Merry Christmas I hope the children are well and that Gage gets that heart soon .Your story is such a tough one but I will pray for you guys .Sending you love from Hemet , CA


  3. I pray that whatever has caused cardiomyopathy in your children has also caused them to have extreme powers to recover completely. Your family is so inspirational. I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and the best of New Years ahead. God bless you all.

  4. Hello, we are gathered as a family of seven watching your story on dateline. We are touched by your story and want to send our prayers for your family. We admire your strength through it all. God bless you through this Christmas season and beyond.
    The Burdicks (Orange County)
