Monday, November 28, 2016

November 27, 2016, Sunday


November 27, 2016, Sunday

What a great weekend. It was so nice to be home for a few days. For a few moments, it actually felt like home, and our issues were in the past. We gave thanks many times for the chance to be home. 
Thanksgiving we spent a very lazy day at home. We had our parents over and thoroughly enjoyed the day.  Gage ran around and pulled old toys out he hasn’t played with in a very long time.  He pulled out the Nerf guns, Nerf swords, train tracks, Thomas the Train, and a closet full of other treasures. 
Friday we helped my brothers get firewood.  Crazy but we kinda enjoy doing that kind of work. 

Stacy’s sister Holly and Morris drove here from Logan, Utah just to spend the day with her. It was great to see them.   We even took some time to go through the kids’s rooms and put away boxes of ‘stuff’ I have been bringing home for the last year.  We ended up with at least 10 bags of clothes and things to donate.  We also went through and did a little cleaning.  Especially the dead flies and dust that had accumulated in all the window seals. It was a good start with much more to go. Also took a pass through a very neglected yard and garden.

Saturday we took long overdue family pictures and played basketball.  That evening we had all my brother’s families and parents over for desserts, games and a crazy round of Nerts. We were missing our sister Garrity and her crew.  If my count is correct we had 12 adults and at least 25 cousins ages 2-19. It was awesome.  The overall winners of Nerts was my sister-in-law Tara teamed up with, the experienced card shark and Nerts expert, our daughter Lindsey Lou.  If you recall, during Lindsey’s ‘Berlin’ days waiting on 3 West, we played a LOT of Nerts. So, needless to say, Lindsey was in the zone.

We were really hoping we could all go to church today and sit as a family.  But given the 13 hour drive for Sierra, Hunter and I, school tomorrow, and Stacy and Gage’s Angel flight plans we had start the voyage back to Calif without seeing our good friends at church.  Sorry.

We did text Jenna, Gage’s nurse practitioner, each day to check in and keep her updated.
My parents loved having the kids especially Gage, over to hang out, eat treats, play the piano, help feed cattle, and play Chinese checkers. Gage even interviewed my Dad for a homework assignment from his 2nd grade teacher.

All-in-all, words can’t express how nice it was to be home for a few days.

Looking forward, I have 2 days in Calif, then I am flying back to Oregon on Wednesday for a week.  Even though I was home, I didn’t get much office time in.  Also, Megan has her first basketball game coming up and I wanted to be here to support her.  All the kids are back in school tomorrow bright and early.



  1. I ran into Gage and Lindsey with Uncle Jake and Dallee Jo, and Hunter on horseback driving cattle along with Grandma and Grandpa Bingham. They smiled and said hello, but I couldn't stop smiling the rest of the day. We all really miss you!

  2. Your family represents everything that is good about America. You are all in our prayers daily and make us strive to try to be as good and kind as we can even though you are all a super tough act to follow! We hope you all have a great Christmas and hugs to you all but an extra big hug for Stacy you are my hero!
