Sunday, August 21, 2016

Day 286, Jason checking in

August 21, 2016

Jason checking in on the plane in route to Calif.  Stacy did a great job updating the status of Gage and the rest of the crew.  I am flying to Calif now to spend 8 days here before returning to Oregon.  I have spent most of the summer in Oregon involved in the ranch operations and office work.  Now that the ranch water and haying is slowing down, I can spend a bit more time with the family.  Megan is home  in Oregon staying with my parents while she goes to daily doubles for volleyball.  The team practices 2 hours in the morning and 3 in the evening.  Her first game will be Friday August 26, the day after I get back from Calif.  After this trip to Calif, it will be increasingly difficult to get to Calif with Megan in school and sports starting early September.  Not that I can’t or won’t make trips to Calif, it is just more difficult to leave our daughter behind.

I have been trying to keep up with the house, yard and garden in Oregon.  It is all hangin’ in there, but definitely could use a woman’s touch.   With all the ranch work we have been doing, some of the details of the house, yard and garden may have been overlooked.  It is still no fun to live without my beautiful wife. I don’t know how single parents do it.  But right now this is what needs to happen and we are making it work.

Couple of weeks ago, Megan’s friends Abby and Mia came to Oregon for a visit.  It is always fun to have city kids come to the country to experience a different way of life.   While they were here they had the opportunity to ride horses, hike to mountain lakes, ride in a swather (a machine that cuts the hay), and even drive our stick shift big 18 wheel red hay truck called ‘Clifford’.  What was funny is that the only vehicle she had previously driven was a Tesla, a very nice high-end automatic electric car.  She did great following my numerous hand signals navigating her around the field.

Don’t know how we can ever adequately thank the Van Elderen family for letting us use their home this summer.  It has been so nice to be in a regular house and  be able to invite friends and family over for dinners and family reunions.  We will be moving back to the RMH here in the next couple of weeks.  With the Van Elderen’s returning, and school starting, it is more convenient at the RMH to get kids to school and activities.  With where we are at, Stacy and Sierra have to drive the kids everywhere.  At the RMH, Lindsey can ride her bike, Hunter can ride the bus and they are close to the hospital for blood draws and appointments.  With Stacy being there by herself and caring for Gage, that is a big deal.

Gage really is doing well.  I was comparing pictures from him now to a year ago.  A year ago he went in for surgery for his upgraded pacemaker and defibrillator. He looked so frail and weak compared to his condition now.  Now he is more filled out, has more energy and excited to go to school.
Regarding the Man-of-Steel, Gage Aurelius, according to our records he has been on the list since November 10, 2015, or 283 days, or 9 months and 8 days (but who’s counting).  Having said that, I do need some clarification regarding the time he spent as an inactive ‘Status 7’.  This was the approximately 3 months we spent recovering from the HeartWare placement.  We have received some conflicting reports regarding his true wait time as a status 1A.  It would seem to us that if he was a status 1A before the HeartWare placement, then placed on Status 7 for 3 months to recover, then back as status 1A, that he wouldn’t lose his place in line as a status 1A for those 3 months.  I know that it is not a ‘line’, we have to match blood type, antibodies, and size, it will happen when it happens. I get all that.  I just want some clarification.   Some of the medical staff have suggested he has only been waiting as Status 1A since February. I will let you know as I find out.

That’s it for now.  Getting ready to land.  Till next time, Jason

 Here are come cute pictures from a month ago.

Took Hunter out ground squirrel hunting back in July up by the Dish....... just kidding, this is back home in Oregon.   First shot, standing, with a peep sight!  How can he top that?
NO WAY can we get away with this at the Dish, but in Oregon, squirrels ruin our fields.


  1. For half a moment I was like what!? Not the cute chipmunk squirrels on the Dish Loop! Haha!!!
    Hope you get your wait time questions answered quickly, getting different answers or unexpected surprises around wait time is not fun!
    Send everyone my love!! :)

  2. Your pictures of the kids look great, just missing Meggy! Thanks for the updates. By the way Jason we discovered there ARE cops between here and Burns Junction...we didn't think anyone was between here and Burns Junction. John still talks about going into the pool at "aunt stacys". Love you guys.
    Aunt G.

  3. Parents of the year, I'm telling ya! Gage looks so good.

  4. Jason and Stacey,
    I am awestruck by your strength and spirit.I wish your family many good things coming your way which you certainly deserve
