Wednesday, July 20, 2016

No Discharge Yet

Well, we were hoping to get out yesterday, then today, but no on all accounts.  Yesterday morning he vomited,and they took his feeding tube out.  He did not spit, gag or vomit up anymore blood the rest of the day.  However, in the afternoon, he tried to go for a walk but was really tired and didn't feel well.  He spiked a fever of 101 and complained of difficulty breathing when we were walking.  Of course, I think, "great he has pneumonia, he aspirated some of the blood and now we will be in here for weeks." (might be the nurse in me :)) He rested and laid low for the evening.  They gave him some Tylenol.  Once the Tylenol kicked in, he was acting much better.  They think it was caused by the IV medicine he is on, as it is one of the side effects,  His IV stopped working, so they had to start another one last night.  He has had continuous IV form of Pepcid to help with his GI bleed.  So, they had to have the IV.  He wanted them to start it today, but he had to have it through the night.  Against his wishes, and with a lot of screaming and tears, I believe he even yelled, "He is going to kill me, take it out." The IV was started and all was well after that.  I do not envy the "vascular access" team.  They are the least liked people.

After his emotional evening, he slept really well all night.  No vomiting, tummy aches or fevers.  He woke up this morning acting like "Gage."  The plan now is, put the feeding tube back in tonight and run his feeds.  If he tolerates everything well, he can go home tomorrow,  Cross our fingers and hope that is the case as we have my family coming in for a reunion tomorrow.  He is acting like his normal, energetic self.  It is time for us to go!

Fun visit from Anuj (aka Spinach), thanks for stopping in, it was the highlight of Gage's day.  Sierra survived her first day on the job and is ready to go back.

Gage pic without the feeding tube.

  Sierra in her "work" uniform.   

Anuj and Gage

1 comment:

  1. Fingers are crossed and prayers will be said that Gage gets discharged.
