Friday, June 10, 2016

June 8, Summer Begins

Had a very enjoyable few days with Gage.  Plenty of good Daddy/Son time.  Friday Gage and I went to the new Ninja Turtle’s movie.  It was awesome (for the Man-of-Steel), a bit painful to his Dad. 

Also took him to the hospital Monday for the usual blood draw and clinic.  As expected no major changes just small adjustments to his blood thinning meds. Right now he has this thing about counting Tesla’s.  For those of you who may not know, Tesla’s are high end electric cars.  Very nice, very fast and 100% electric.  Anyway, Gage’s big thing is to count them as we drive around the Silicon Valley area.  Yesterday we broke the record.  We saw 23 Tesla’s in one day as we drove around Palo Alto and Los Altos.  Now I am teaching him all the other different cars such as Audi, BMW, VW, Honda, Toyota, Kia, Infinity, Lexus, MB, Mini’s, and good ole’ Fords and Chevy’s.   

Good to hear Chelsie Thompson is doing better and heading home.  Gage and I have been praying for her and her family every day.  They will have big adjustments in their lives.

Stacy flew in last night and will be here for the long haul.  Hate to leave my wife and son again, but right now I am needed on the home front. Speaking of, the other 4 kids are home and doing the summer break thing.  Sierra and Lindsey need to be back in Calif this weekend for summer school and camp.  Gage will be excited for that.

Stacy had a great time back home with family and friends.  Almost felt like a little bit of normal. But really it feels like a dream.  Home is there, but not yet.  Someday.

Just to be clear, we have temporarily moved from the new RMH to the Van Elderen’s house in Los Alto’s Hills.  We are house sitting for them while they are at their summer home in Northern Calif.  It’s a nice house with plenty of room.  We are excited to invite friends over for dinner and have family reunions this summer.  The new address is 25601 Fernhill Drive Los Altos Hills, CA 94024.

Still enjoy the comments from friends and family.  As always we read and enjoy each one of them.

Last of all, I’m a little ticked off at myself. Just went through airport security and I forgot about my brand new leatherman in my computer bag. Grrrrrr.  I have done this so many times you would think I would check all the little corners of my bags, but not this time.  That is the 2nd leatherman they have taken from me!!

Anyway, life goes on. Here’s to 7 months on the list and crazy curly hair.

Till next time


Stacy Here,

I am well overdue to give an update.  Jason does such a great job, I don't have much to add.  Jason did very well with Gage while I was gone.  His dressing change looked clean and not infected.  Gage is still gaining weight, so he received all the feeds he needed.  He made it to his appointments and blood draws. All-in-all, Jason did fine.

Like Jason said, I was able to go home for a weekend.  We decided it was a good time to let the kids go home for a little bit and for me to go plant my flowers and garden and clean the house.  For 7 months Jason has been taking suitcases home of things we no longer need.  He is very busy when he gets home and just has time to empty the suitcase as he is heading out the door to fly back.  Unfortunately, these piles begin to grow and take over the house.  I would get one area of the house organized and would open a door and find a whole new mess to organize.  In Jason's defense, he is busy and had no idea where I would want things placed.     My mom and 2 sisters came up from Utah and were my saving grace.  In 2 days, we were able to go through the whole house and find places or throw away "piles" AND plant all my flowerbeds and garden.  I don't know what I would of done without them!  They are probably just now recovered from how hard they worked there. They are great hard workers. It was nice to see our house and sleep in my own soft bed (I forgot how soft it is).  I wasn't as sad as I thought I would be leaving, I think because I know I need to be in California right now.  It also felt good leaving the house looking lived in, with my flowers and garden planted.  My favorite hobby during the summer is my yard and garden.  I have really missed that the last 2 summers.  Maybe next year.

On an exciting note, Sunday morning, the kids and I were getting ready for church.  The phone rang and I heard a lot of excitement and commotion downstairs.  We went outside to find our tractor on fire out in the middle of the field.  Jason's dad was driving it, so there was a moment of panic when we didn't know for sure if he made it out.  Luckily, he did and we have insurance.  Apparently, a sparrow had built a nest next to the engine.  The tractor stopped and Dale saw smoke coming out of the hood of the tractor and went to investigate.  When he opened the hood, he saw the nest on fire and it just went up from there.  We are so glad he was not at all injured.    

Jason and I spent an hour (at least it seemed like) on the phone this morning just trying to figure out each kids schedule and where they need to be.  With 5 kids in sports camps, youth camps, reunions and medical appointments there is a lot going on.  Adding all that in 2 idfferent states makes it a little crazier.  We had to take each kid individually and figure out when they needed to be in Oregon and when they needed to be in California.  LOTS of juggling, Throw a transplant in there somewhere and it will be exciting. School will be starting before we know it.  And no, we have no idea where our kids will start school.  One week, one day at a time.

We were able to attend Alex's graduation from hospital school.  So proud of him.  What a huge accomplishment for someone with alot he has overcome. 

My cute neice and nephew Kate and Porter.  Helping plant the garden. 

Finally a Sunday dinner at home, we really missed Dad and Gage to make it complete. 

Hunter playing with my nephews Moris and Cooper. 

Part of the crew helping with the garden.  My sisters Holly and Tiffany.  We missed you Kelly! 

Our view of the tractor burning from our front yard. With pictures of the tractor after. 


Gage reading cards sent to him from North Powder school.  Thank you everyone.  He enjoyed reading them.


  1. Glad everything is going OK and no one was hurt in the fire. No matter where you are home is where the heart is. No matter if it's Oregon or california.

  2. Well, a way back when I made a statement about the Bingham family being of hearty stock!! You guys just keep proving it, over and over again!! Although I'm sure you'd just as soon pass on that!! And never to do anything in a small way....the tractor incident is the icing on the cake!! Even though Grandpa didn't have a thing to do with it!! Everyone looks good and no one would be the wiser to look at the lot of you. Every time I read the blog I'm continually amazed at the grace, courage, steadfastness (is that a word?) and love each and every one of you display. You guys are my heroes, and I couldn't be more sincere. Prayers for all continue, as always.
