Sunday, April 17, 2016

Last 2 Days of Tax Season

We are so excited that tax season is almost over.  Not that that means Jason will be returning here real soon.  He just won't have to work so many endless hours and the pressure and stress he is under will be lessened.  He works many LONG hours and even worked through a cold that hit him this past week.  Once tax season is over, he will stay in Oregon and start the irrigating of our mass of land.  Just because tax season is over, doesn't mean his work load is less, it just means it can have a different focus.  We miss him very much, but know he is keeping a home for us to come back to.

It is great to have the kids back and be back in the swing of things.  The busyness of the week helps the time fly by much faster.  Wednesday, Sierra had her repeat biopsy from a month ago when she received a 1B.  I received a call Thursday morning telling me the good news that Sierra got a zero and she wouldn't have to have another biopsy until June.  Then, I received another call later that afternoon and it was completely different news.  The doctor decided to take another look at Sierra's slides and switched it from a 0 to a 1B.  They increased her immunosuppression medications and will repeat the biopsy at the end of May, with clinic next week.  We are very glad that it wasn't any worse, but bummed that it wasn't the 0 they had originally told us. A 1B is not a rating that is doing any damage to her heart, it just means that there are white blood cells lurking around. It is a little frustrating sometimes, with the amount of clinic appointments and biopsies that Sierra has to go to.  Yes, she is still not even a year out from her transplant, but  every appointment she has to miss 1/2 of the school day.  Now, don't get me wrong, her health is first and foremost, of most importance.  I just feel for her, trying to continually make up the days she misses and the priceliness of missing the class lecture time.  Since January she has missed 5 days of school.  Not so bad here and there, but they start adding up and you can see it in her grades of the classes she is missing each one of those 5 days. She is a trooper, and takes it all so well in stride.  I am very proud of her.

Thursday Sierra had a band concert.  It was very enjoyable and she did a great job.  She enjoys playing the saxophone.  Other than that, she is enjoying being a teenager with a license and hanging out with friends and doing homework galore.

Hunter had opening ceremonies for baseball.  His season is half over, but the ceremonies reminded us a lot of the ceremonies at home.  All the teams are announced and march onto the baseball field.  It is always cute at the end when the youngest kids come out in their little baseball uniforms.  Hunter had some great games this week.  They won their game Thursday by quite a bit 15-4.  He had some great hits.  They lost by one on Saturday 9-10 by a really good team.  It was a fun game to watch.  He is enjoying baseball.  On Wednesday nights, he has been invited to practice with the boys 4-5th grade AAU basketball team.  He really enjoys that.  He is realizing he is not THE best, but is working on being humble enough to learn.  It is hard for him with his VERY competitive nature. I think it is a great experience for him.

Megan didn't have any softball games this week.  It was nice to not have to throw those into our schedule, as we were easing back into things after spring break. She will have a couple this week.  She will only have 4 more weeks of softball and Hunter only has 3 of baseball.  I can't believe the seasons have gone so fast.

Lindsey is attending AAU basketball practices on Tuesdays for middle school age girls.  Megan is helping the coaches on those nights.  Lindsey said she is having fun, but is really  excited to start a dance class this Thursday.   She will have her "in between biopsy" clinic and echo on Wednesday.  She hasn't had to be seen since January.  She is doing great.

Gage is doing really well.  His clinic appointments are now every 2 weeks.  He has physcial therapy every 2 weeks and psychology every 2 weeks.  So, it is nice that his appointments are getting less and less.  He still has blood draws every week, but is used to that and does very well.  The only problem, every appointment the kids have during the day, Gage has to miss school.  I have to be with him 24/7, so that if something went wrong with the VAD, I am trained in what to do.  So, when the girls have appointments Gage has to go as well,  This week he will have to miss 2 days of school because of appointments that are not his.  You are probably thinking I have lost my perspective, if I am worrying about a little school.  Which, may be true.  However, I do not want him falling behind academically.  He attends the hospital school where it is 4 hours a day.  A morning session and an afternoon session.  So, it is important that he is there as much as possible to keep up with where he should be.  When this is over, he wants to return to school with his classmates he left.  Luckily, he is a smart kid and keeps up with what he misses.

Thursday we were able to meet Wendy.  Her company held a fund raiser in behalf of our family.  She came to meet us and drop off the funds they raised.  It was very nice to meet her and we are in awe and humbled at the generosity of so many people.  We thank you all everywhere!! Friday we had a very special treat.  We were able to go to San Francisco and meet with our dear friend Molly Smith.  She was the teacher for 3 of our kids.  Lindsey was here the year she was supposed to have her.  It was funny because the kids didn't quite know how to address her.  "Do we call you Molly or  Mrs. Smith?"  It was so fun to visit with her and just hear about events happening back at home.  She is a dear friend and I am so glad we were able to see her. Onto the next week of practices, games and appointments.

Wendy and Gage 

Sierra at her band concert.  A "little" bigger than North Powders.

Molly/Mrs. Smith at the Olive Garden 

Hunter opening ceremonies. 


  1. I am not sure how it works with hospital school (is it part of the district?) as I am sure you have IEP's set up for all your kids at this point. Just wanted to mention that in our IEP we have it include that my daughter has a 1-1 nurse there for her (she has DCM as well). With the IEP learning is supposed to happen with the least restrictive environment, and if he is needing to miss school because you can't be there (you need to be there to help with the other kids), it would then be the school districts responsibility to have a nurse who is there for him trained in everything. This has been the BEST thing for me, as a mom with other kids (we have 4, but only the one has DCM so far) it was exhausting for me having to take 6 hours of my day out every day just to be there so she could go to school. Again, not sure how it works being on hospital school, but with him missing schools, it does not seem like he is getting "the least restrictive environment" for learning needing to miss school. Hope that helps? Please feel free to message me if you have other questions.
    Love checking in with your family and praying even if I am not commenting!

  2. Stacy I am in such awe of your and Jason's strength and continue to admire your resilience and positive attitude. Your family is always in our prayers. Much love from Chicago!

  3. I appreciate Mama Kat's comment about the IEP and having a school nurse accompany Gage to school while Stacy goes to other appointments. That would be hard to shift such a heavy responsibility to another. Love to hear about all the super kid activities. What an awesome talented bunch! Love ya. Phil & Judy

  4. I think about your family often. Praying you will have a good week...God Bless from South Bend, IN.
