Sunday, April 3, 2016

Day 145 - April 3, 2016

There isn't a lot to report for during the week.  Hunter had a music concert, Megan had a softball game and Lindsey had basketball.  Gage had clinic and he is doing really well.  There was nothing they wanted to change.  He seems to be over whatever flared up the vomiting.  Now it is just a matter of getting his labs back to where they need to be.  Mostly his INR (blood thinning level).  This just means a few more pokes than normal, but he is a trooper and is a pro at blood draws now.

Most excitingly is SPRING BREAK!! We are so excited for our spring break, mostly because we are ready for a little down time.  My brother Bradey and his family came to visit us here in California.  They flew in Thursday and are staying until tomorrow.  It has been so fun having them here with lots of activities to do.  Friday we went to the Tide pools, Saturday rock climbing and San Francisco and took a little rest for today walking the dish.  We have really been having fun, especially the cousins playing together.  Friday morning Hunter and his cousin Mason (who are the same age), were able to get a tour of the police department in Menlo park by our good friend Sgt. Kevin Paugh.  It was very nice of him to take the time to show them around. We took Gage and Korbyn (5) with us and the boys all had a great time especially in the weapons room.  Wish they could stay the whole spring break. We would LOVE to be going home for spring break, but the doctors said Gage could not go.  He has to stay close by especially with his VAD.  We thought about letting the kids go, but there is just too much going on to be able to go home.  Even though, I am sure Jason would love the company at home, as he is headed back to Oregon for another week of tax season,  So, the kids and I have made plans to go to the Monterrey Aquarium and the planetarium in San Francisco.  We are excited to even enjoy some days with just some R & R.

At Megan's softball.  She played 1st base and did well. 

The boys at the police department 

Kevin with the boys. 

At the tide pools.

Yes, Jason's hair is still growing, 

Our rock climbing adventure.  Gage wanted to go very first.  He did a great job and got way up there.  Megan went next and made it to the big nob jutting out.  Sierra after her followed by Lindsey, then Hunter who all made it to the top.  Sierra was pretty proud of herself for going further than Megan. I went as far as Megan (just to maker her feel better) and of course Jason made it all the way to the top. 

Our day in San Francisco. 

Ghiradelli square 

Lombard Street 

Walking the dish.  The boys would run up ahead and wait for everybody else.  "Resting" on the side while we caught up.  

And our wonderful Thomas's are here for biopsy.  So good to see the and cute little Tristen,


  1. Hi!
    Just wanted you to know we are some distant cousins and my kiddos have been praying for Gage every day for months!!! They were just asking for an update during conference so I will show them this post tomorrow. Keep at it!

  2. Wow sounds like you showed your family a great time when they went out to Ca!!! Loved hearing about the rock climbing - Gage was first!!!!! Hope all of you have another wonderful week vacation. Thanks again for the update. Jen from Central NY.
