Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Biopsy, clinic, and physical therapy

Lindsey had a good biopsy this morning.  Her heart pressures are perfect with the rejection results tomorrow.  If all is well, she will go another 6 months before the next biopsy.   Sierra's clinic appointment was also good.  They are discontinuing 3 of her heart meds.  She is still on plenty of meds, so 3 is a good start.

Gage had physical therapy the other day. Stacy took some really funny pictures of Gage doing some 'therapy'.  They came up with a creative way to get Gage to doing some squatting.  Stacy was really cracking up.

Lindsey and I are participating in a study to see if parents can take heart echo pictures. I was trained today. Tomorrow I will take the 'official' pictures for the study.  Lindsey is not crazy about dear ole' Dad running an echo machine, but she is a good sport.

Tonight Hunter and I made a cake for his cub scouts.  The theme is 'Trustworthy', so we did a deer camp cake.  You have to admit, it is pretty awesome!!

Heading home to Oregon tomorrow.  Really going to miss the family, but with tax season on the horizon, it is where I need to be.

Lindsey and Heidi, heading in
 Bumped into Mandy and Sandra, her physical therapists from the Good Ole' Days.
 Hunter's AWESOME Deer camp cake.

 So he is a duck (or a chicken),
 Then has to squat to get the eggs. 
Some serious squatting.


  1. Great cake guys. Nice to see some good ole normal stuff. Really? A Chi-duck-en laying eggs? That's crazy! Hmmm, maybe I need a coach that could make exercises so fun. Look forward to seeing you back home Jason. Love and prayers for you all. P & J.

  2. Fantastic news, here's to many more days filled with laughter and of course good cake.

  3. Fantastic news, here's to many more days filled with laughter and of course good cake.

  4. Good to hear good news. Have a great day.

  5. I so love your family and as a fellow heart warrior- I love reading your blog.
