Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wednesday, crazy I know

Had to report on today. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and that is going to take up all of our blog tomorrow.    It was a really good day.  This morning was the usual Ronald McDonald House kinda stuff, but this afternoon we went ice skating! All of us along with a bunch of their friends.  The ice and cold and atmosphere made it feel a little like Oregon.  We even got Gage out a little.

Other than that, it was normal living stuff. I did some work, they did some shopping and cleaning, and Gage had his blood draw.  His attitude was really good. It was the good ole' Gage Aureleous we all know and love.  He is still gaining some weight, looks puffy in the face, and has tummy aches so there is plenty to watch and worry about, but today was a fun one.

Tomorrow we are doing some of our family traditions with a California twist.

Merry Christmas

Mother and her make over.  

 Sierra, Gage, and Nori.

 Tried to catch a photo of Hunter biffing it. He was getting fast, but went down hard.

 Aureleous trying to see if his face looks puffy.
 Lindsey's good friend Sadie (from the Berlin days)
 Got the Man-of-Steel out for little skating, he played it pretty safe. But yes, he was skating with a heart machine on his back. Crazy I know.

 Hunter's friend, Brady
Megan, PK, and Mia


  1. Making great memories to cherish forever. Happy holidays. Peace and love to you and yours.

  2. Making great memories to cherish forever. Happy holidays. Peace and love to you and yours.

  3. Merry Christmas Binghams! We heart you! Phil and Judy

  4. Wow everyone looks great! So happy all the kids are back in the swing in Palo Alto. Mostly I am so happy to hear Gage is feeling better and having fun with the family. What a wonderful update. Merry Christmas from Central NY. Jennifer

  5. How awesome you got to all get out together! So glad Gage gets to be out & about. Medical technology is amazing. Merry Christmas Binghams! April Whitley & family

  6. Hey Jason ~
    I noticed the chin hair! You going to stay with tradition and keep it until Gage get's his heart?
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Espositos.
