Saturday, December 5, 2015

Saturday, NOT OUT YET...grr

It has been hard for me to update, because I am really struggling with being positive right now. Gage's chest tube drainage slowed down by quite a bit.  They were even talking of possibly pulling it yesterday.  I got myself really excited and started thinking of all the fun things we could do with that out (Showers, excursions with less attachments, a lot less pain, etc.).  In the afternoon, they came in and said that it was still too much by 12 mL (50 vs 62).  That is 12 mL over in a 24 hour period.  So frustrating! That is not a lot, but enough that they didn't want to pull it yet.  It just really took the wind out of my sails.  On a more positive note, we were able to have a craft afternoon and listen to Christmas music, as well as go to the playroom.  I have been signed off on all the training, so Gage and I are able to go out on our own. That is really fun to be able to have that freedom.  I know I shouldn't complain, he is doing good and heading in the right direction.  We can't start the final steps of getting out of the hospital until the chest tube comes out.  IF it were to come out over the weekend, there is a possibility of being able to get out of the hospital at the end of next week.  It would sure be nice to be out before Jason and the kids come back.

Gage has had a few 'suction events' each night.  The nurses seem to get excited about it, but the doctors and HeartWare people don't seem to be bothered.  It is still a balancing act between to much fluid (for the chest tube) and not enough fluid (for Blackwood).  All in all, still hanging in there and doing well.

There is a really difficult decision Jason and I make each time we come here with one of our children. The decision of what to do with everyone else.  It is something that takes a lot of thought as we weigh out the pros and cons of the situation.  As well as what is best for each child, as they are all in different areas of their life.  With 2 girls in high school and 1 being very involved in sports, it makes the decision a little more complicated.  Compared to 9 years ago when we started this journey with a 6, 4 and 2 year old.  However, our family is THE most important thing.  It has always been our main focus.  Technology has come a long way in 9 years with Skype and Facetime that allow us to communicate when we are apart.  BUT, it is still not face to face.

The decision has been particularly tough on Megan.  She loves to play sports and is on the basketball team in North Powder.  If she whats to play in Calif for the PALY JV, she can NOT play any games for NP.  She can practice, but no games.  We have looked for exceptions, but Calif has strict rules on that.  With that, she has been practicing with the team and watching the preseason games.  That has been pretty tough on her, watching is not her thing, but she is preparing herself mentally and physically for Calif.  She understands the importance of going to Calif and will be ready to go when the time comes, but not yet.  I'm very impressed with my children.

We have people generously offer to let our children live with them while we are here with Gage. That is so very thoughtful of them and I appreciate their generosity.  I am a little possessive I suppose, I want to be a part of ALL of my children's lives.  I don't want to miss out on any part of any of their experiences.  I only have them for a short while.  Even though we don't know how long we will be here, a lot can happen in just a month.  I want to be the one to be there when my kids get home from school and hear about their day.  I want to be the one to watch their sporting events.  I want to hear their frustrations (even if it is that they have to go to school) and the positive experiences they have.  I feel that as we go through this as a 'family' we all grow in different ways.  No, it is not easy, but it is the right thing to do.  I felt a need to explain why we are making the decision to bring everyone here to California.  I know it is not easy and I am asking a lot (yet again) of my kids.  They are amazing kids and I have seen them rise to the challenge before and am very confident they can do it again.

 Gage at PT making goop, but it didn't turn out.

 A choir group from a school in San Jose came and sang at the hospital school yesterday. Very good and fun.
Our craft afternoon with our nurse Jenna.


  1. Oh, Stacy, you are a wonderful, amazing, beautiful soul. I can only imagine how agonizing all of this is for you and I totally understand wanting ALL of your fantastic kids with you on a DAILY basis. I wouldn't want to miss out on anything either. You are right when you say your time is limited with them. Try to enjoy every moment and know that you are the ultimate example of a mother. Try to keep your chin up. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Gage-aurelious (not sure I used the correct spelling!). Here's to him being out of the hospital by the time your family arrives!

    Love and prayers,
    The Fritzes

  2. You are making the best decisions you know , in an unpredictable situation without knowing the outcome. And you are are doing an awesome job of it! Sometimes I think living by faith, especially in situations like this is so much easier said than done, but at the same time it is the only thing you can do. We pray for you everyday. You got this thing Stac! Love Ya- Garrity

  3. Hi Bingham gang. So sorry to hear about Gage, but the love and strength of your family will get him through this. Although I am no longer at Packard, I think of you all often and send much love and prayers your way!!! Mitzi (former echo lead)

  4. Hi Bingham gang. So sorry to hear about Gage, but the love and strength of your family will get him through this. Although I am no longer at Packard, I think of you all often and send much love and prayers your way!!! Mitzi (former echo lead)

  5. Dear Stacy and Jason - While following your blog throughout the years, I have always felt in every post such a strong love and bond within your family. The job you are doing as parents is beyond compare, and your children couldn't ask for a better mom and dad. Wishing you and your children a Merry Christmas and special time together this year! Love, Jill Gammon

  6. I loved your post, Stac! I totally get why you want everyone with you even in this hard situation. No one can do your job like you can because you are The Mama that they need. I know I would do the same thing. Stability doesn't necessarily come from staying in the same comfortable safe place...stability comes from being safe in the watchful nurturing care of loving parents while the storms of life rage, no matter where that may be. You're amazing :) We love you and Jas and your wonderful kids. Stay strong and know that you are in our prayers, every one, every day❤️

  7. Ok it sounds like Gage is so close to getting the chest tube out!!!! I really respect the fact that his medical team wants to error on the side of caution but it can get really frustrating😵😵. Hoping it is only a couple more days. So glad the family is all coming out to California. I am sure this is a hard decision to make with many sacrifices from everyone but the big picture is that you will all be together!!!! Happy to hear that. Thanks again for the updates. So glad you got your certification. Love and prayers from Central NY. Jennifer
