Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday, 12 noon, Starting to wake up.

 It's now been about 23 hours since he has been out of surgery.  Gage is in the same recovery room that Lindsey and Sierra were in.  It's that creepy 'home' feeling.  We also have Allen as our nurse.  He is an excellent post-op VAD nurse who knows HeartWare and Berlin's inside and out.  He has been doing a great job taking care of Gage.

Yesterday Allen and the Doctors told us that Gage would be under heavy sedation and on the breathing tube for a day so there wasn't much for Stacy and I to do.  So we took the advise and went out to eat at the Blacks, watched some TV, and got some good sleep.  Stacy and I will be very busy as Gage (or Gage-Aurelius) starts to wake up.

In rounds today, the rattled off a bunch of stuff  they are watching and monitoring.  What I could gather from it is that he is doing good as expected. They are watching his right ventricle function (which is NOT supported by the HeartWare), his kidney function, fluid retention, heart pressure, after- load and pre-load.  Basically if the HeartWare was an irrigation pump out of a ditch, then they are watching how much water is coming down the ditch.

At Stacy's request, they did put a feeding tube back in.  Even though they will not use it for a day or so, it is easier to put it in while he is sedated, rather than fully awake.  They ALL agreed.

Given that Gage's nickname came from my favorite movie, Gladiator. I think we are going with the roman spelling, Gage-Aurelius, named after Marcus Aurelius. Silly, I know, but deal with it.

That's it for now.
 Starting to wake up.


  1. Glad things are going as expected. Smart thinking on Stacy's end with the feeding tube. Gage can thank her later for that move! ;) Jason, I always love when you use Eastern OR ranch/farm life to help explain things! I am also thankful that you two were able to go and get some rest and a good meal as the days ahead of you will be super busy. Keep trucking along and take advantage of sleeping at home without having to do the "three chair combo" ;) Love you all and we will continue to pray for Gage-Aurelius! xoxoxoxo

  2. On a lighter note we call our Marcus,
    Marcus Aurelius. Go gladiators! Glad its over for this chapter. Love you

  3. On a lighter note we call our Marcus,
    Marcus Aurelius. Go gladiators! Glad its over for this chapter. Love you

  4. Wonderful update to hear! So thankful he is doing as well as expected.
