Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday Morning, Time for a Routine

It is Monday and the holidays are over.
Time to get Gage into a routine and doing more than sitting in his room.  Yesterday was a difficult day, everybody headed back home.  It seems like we just get used to being together and it is time for them to leave.  The nurses were really busy and didn't have the time to take Gage to the playroom.  He has to have a nurse with him everywhere he goes, until I get passed off to be able to take him on my own.  He did go on 2 walks around the 3rd floor, but that was it.  Today my goal is to find out what it takes to get certified so we can take him to the playroom.  However, it is not a really quick process and the person that checks us off isn't here until tomorrow.  Gage had too much fluid on him yesterday and his chest tube put out almost 100 more mL than the day before (FRUSTRATING).  So, they restricted him of drinking any water or juice.  The only thing he can drink is milk and he can have 1000 mL in a 24 hour period.  It's a good thing he is a milk drinker.  It was all good and well until he got to the end of the day and had 1/2 a carton of milk to take all of his evening meds.  Today, we will try and space it out a little better.  It did work in bringing down his chest tube drainage.  It ended up only putting out 120, still to much to take out but a lot less than the day before.  Today they will start him on coumadin and aspirin and turn off his milranone.  All steps to get him out patient.  When he isn't having any pain, he acts like himself, where he will giggle at movies and talk your ear off.  It is good to see him feeling a little bit better every day.

On Saturday, our dear friend Michelle Hansen came and sat with the kids at the hospital.  This was so very nice of her.  It allowed Jason and I some time to just talk.  We always have kids around us, which is great, but sometimes we just need to talk without being in a corn field (with lots of ears).  It was very therapeutic for both of us.   The kids are getting a little bit more excited with the thought of coming back here.   Today, I will take in their papers to get them registered to start school here in January.  Gage is still at a status 7, which means he is accruing time but would not accept an offer if one came.  We are good with this.  I just can't imagine him going through a major surgery this soon.  That would be horrible.  I also need to get our list together to start our advent calendar tomorrow.  Something the kids look forward to no matter what age. They will draw it at home and then Gage and I will do our best to carry it out here as they do at home.

Gage playing stomp rocket for therapy this morning. I was his target.

 Some good bye pictures

 Off to school with Blackwood and the chest tube on the side


  1. Awe such cute goodbye pictures and him off to school. Glad the kids are happy to get enrolled there for school. Prayers always.

  2. Hoping and praying Gage passes these last couple hurdles so he can be discharged. He is on his way but you right he just does it on his own time. He looks so good. Hoping you get your certification and have a little bit more free reign. Thank you for the updates. Still praying in central NY.
