Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Officially Listed Today

Gage was too tired and sick to go to school Monday.  He was still vomiting, pale and very tired.  Tuesday I was packing up to drive to California the next day, but was putting off the inevitable.  Calling California to update them on Gage's status.  I knew if I called, they wouldn't let us drive there and that was going to change all our plans.  However, I was worried at his continual, quickening decline I knew I had to call them.  So, I called them and they wanted him taken to our ER to make sure he was stable enough for the 12-13 hour drive to California.  They were very concerned and wanted him life flighted that night.  Last night Gage and I were life flighted here to LPCH.  They started him on Milranone around 1:30 AM.  So far he as tolerated it well.  He is eating better and hasn't complained of stomach aches.  If he continues to do well, there is a chance he can be released from the hospital to the RMH on milranone.  Today he had a picc line placed to prepare for long term milranone.  Lucky for them they sedated him, otherwise, it would have been him screaming until he eventually passed out.  He is not a lover of needles at this point.  He has been in bed all day watching movies.  But, we hope to go on a walk tonight.  It is always hard to tell how he is "really" doing when he hasn't eaten for over half the day and he hasn't moved.  I am sure we will see over the next couple of days.

Jason is driving here with Sierra and Megan today.  Sierra has biopsy Friday and diabetic clinic tomorrow.  It will be nice having Jason here, as I was trying to figure out how to be with Gage in the hospital and Sierra at her appointments at the same time.  Megan came along to go to a Palo Alto High School basketball practice.  The coach was her coach in 6th grade when she was here.  He called and said that they have a spot for her if she wants to come play for them.  He has been absolutely amazing!!

Gage was officially listed today as a status 1B.  A little higher on the list than we thought.  His Milranone dose right now is 0.25 if they put it up to 0.5, his status will change to a 1A.  This milranone is kind of a last step before looking at a mechanical support device.  I talked with a doctor today, who said that milranone is great, but it can also be hard on the heart.  I don't think we are to far off from mechanical support.  Time will tell.  Thank you to everyone for all your offers of help and support.  We are truly so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people in both places.  You help make our burdens light.


  1. Thank You for always keeping us updated! I have been thinking about you guys ALL day! We are praying that the Milranone continues to help and keeps him stable!

  2. Stacy - I am a friend of Betsy Nedrow's from Joseph. I have been following your family's journey for the past few years.. I just wanted you to know you all have been in my prayers - I'm so sorry to hear your son is having so much trouble. I know many people here in Wallowa County would love to offer help - is there anything we can do?

  3. I am so sorry to hear this. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. You are an amazing family that many of us look up to. I am humbled often as I read your updates. Wishing you and your family hugs and kisses from Trenton

  4. I am so sorry to hear this. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. You are an amazing family that many of us look up to. I am humbled often as I read your updates. Wishing you and your family hugs and kisses from Trenton

  5. God bless you all. I pray for your family.

  6. I'm so glad Gage will be getting the best care possible. Your blog has convinced me that the best doctors and nurses are at the children's hospital. You sound so strong about it all and just take it in stride. It's amazing to me. God bless little Gage.

  7. I'm so sorry Gage has to go through this our family will add you all to our prayers. If there is anything you need or the kids need including new blankets please let us know. If there is a movie Gage wants or something special please let us know so we can help. Love from the Rice Family ❤️

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. all the love and prayers that surrounds you and your family are such blessings. Please let me know of there is anything you and your family may need while your are traveling and if there is anything that we could get Gage to brighten his spirits. A new movie book art stuff? We'd love to help :-)

  10. all the love and prayers that surrounds you and your family are such blessings. Please let me know of there is anything you and your family may need while your are traveling and if there is anything that we could get Gage to brighten his spirits. A new movie book art stuff? We'd love to help :-)

  11. all the love and prayers that surrounds you and your family are such blessings. Please let me know of there is anything you and your family may need while your are traveling and if there is anything that we could get Gage to brighten his spirits. A new movie book art stuff? We'd love to help :-)

  12. all the love and prayers that surrounds you and your family are such blessings. Please let me know of there is anything you and your family may need while your are traveling and if there is anything that we could get Gage to brighten his spirits. A new movie book art stuff? We'd love to help :-)

  13. I am really sorry for what is going on now. Ive been following you blog for over 2 years or since your dateline episod. Being a heart transplant patient myself i remember going through this. May I send you something? Please let me know!

  14. Prayers for Gage and all the family will continue. Like I've said before, those Bingham kiddos come from "hearty" and hardy stock! Xoxo

  15. Prayers for Gage and all the family will continue. Like I've said before, those Bingham kiddos come from "hearty" and hardy stock! Xoxo

  16. So sorry to hear this, Stacy! We will keep Gage in our prayers!
