Tuesday, November 24, 2015

3 west bound

Gage had a great day yesterday. He made his 3 walks and was definitely exhausted when he went to bed. He was asleep in less than 3 minutes, once he was in bed. He slept well during the night as well. This morning he was a little ornery, crying and in pain. After breakfast, rounds with the doctors and a good walk with physical therapy, he returned to bed. Once he took a good nap, he woke up much happier and even walked again. This time the BIG loop around the 2nd floor. I told him we needed another "him" to run ahead and hide like he did for Lindsey. So, instead I tried to guess the places he would have hidden. He got mad at me and told me he wasn't going to tell me or they won't be hiding places. I'll take that.

His CT scan was repeated last night. They decided it was unchanged. Neurology would like to keep him on the heparin for 3 weeks because, if he starts bleeding, you can shut it off and it leaves his system very quickly. Where if he were on Coumadin and starts bleeding you can't stop it as quickly. Cardiology and transplant teams would like to start the Coumadin now and get him weaned off the heparin. They feel his bleed has been stable on the heparin and it is time to transition. All teams compromised and agreed to 2 weeks on heparin, then start Coumadin. Gage is more and more stable. His blood pressures are under control and his blood thinning levels are where they want them. He had clearance to go to 3 west but there are no beds available today. Maybe tomorrow. I think I should inform everyone that Gage has named his heartware "Blackwood." I guessed at the spelling, but he and Blackwood will be together and inseparable for awhile.

This is his new friend "Snort" whose favorite basketball team is the Chicago Bulls. It is a bull not a pig.


  1. You're looking so much better Gage! We miss you at school and we all want to wish you a happy thanksgiving!
    Hugs, Mrs. Scott & first grade

  2. I am glad to hear Gage is up and walking a little more everyday. And I bet you are glad he is sleeping more too! JT has a "snort" too, however I think he is pig. But that could change from day to day! I hope you get to see the kids at Thanksgiving! I'll miss your sweet potatoes! Garrity

  3. So happy to hear Gage is progressing well and the whole family can be together for Christmas! You and Jason are absolutely amazing parents - your strength and faith is truly inspiring! Love to you and your family!

  4. I'm glad he's feeling and looking good. He'll be a happy kid at Thanksgiving especially if he sees his papa and siblings.

  5. Hooray for Gage Aurelius, Strong and Courageous!! Keep up the good work, Buddy!!

  6. Such a wonderful update on Gage. He sure looks great and is such a strong, handsome boy. Have a happy Thanksgiving together! Love you all

  7. Good news. Your family was my first thought this morning and in my prayers, so pleased to see this.

  8. Gage looks so good. You can definitely tell he is feeling better!!! Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your entire family and of course Snort too! Continued prayers and blessings from Central NY. Jennifer

  9. Prayers for your family��
