Friday, August 14, 2015

He is in.

Emotional morning so far.  Up at 5. Gave him a shower with special wipes.  Walked over from the RMH at 6 carrying Woody the Bear.  A lot of tears this morning from Gage, but was doing okay by the time we checked in. Dr Katz and Williams were both there in the check in area.  Both of them reviewed the possibility of having to put Gage on either the Berlin (or 'triah nilreb' as we all know and love) or the Heart Ware depending on how he does.  I asked Katz to again explain why we had to do all this, when Gage has been doing so well. He emphasized the seriousness of the 17 beat V-tach and how fatal that could have been.  Another run of those irregular heart beats could kill him.

Stacy and I were pretty emotional as they were explaining this and wheeling him back.  Let's be honest, we both broke down.  The remote thought that he could come out on the Berlin is hard to bare. 

So now it is 10:45, it's been over 2.5 hours. Pam, the lady that works here in the surgical waiting room, called to get an update from the operating room and was told it was going okay. I guess that is good enough for me.  I am guessing no news is good news.  

It's going to be hard to see him all wired up with chest tubes giving how cute and energetic he was going it.  

Till next time



  1. Positive thoughts and prayers. I love his bumblebee shirt! ❤️

  2. Hope all goes well...

  3. Praying sgain for your family. He looks so little in that bed. Love the bear photos. Praying for the doctors snd nurses too. Thanks for the updates.

  4. Praying and sending strength for Gage. God bless you all of you.
