Thursday, August 6, 2015

A Date for Gage's Surgery

I will update on Gage first, as I am sure that is what most people are curious about.  He will have his pre-op appointment on the 13th of August and then the surgery to follow on the 14th. The nurse called yesterday and said that he could take his monitor off early so they could get the results reviewed before his pre-op.  Gage was really cute about this.  In clinic they told him that he had to wear it for 14 days.  When we got back to the RMH he quickly got out a piece of paper and wrote the number 1.  He said he was going to write up to 14 to keep track of when his time was up.  I'm not sure how well he kept that paper going once he got home.  When I called yesterday to let him know he could take it off, he was VERY excited, as this was almost a week earlier than they had told him.  All-in-all, he is really acting great.  Wish he would eat more, but that has always been a fighting battle.

Sierra had her appointment with the diabetic clinic on Monday.  They showed her how to test her blood sugars.  She is checking them 3 times a day.  She is not to change her diet or do anything different.  They want to see how her body handles normal eating.  The doctor will look at this information tomorrow morning and decide what treatments she may further need.  Whether that be insulin or diet.  So far, most of her blood sugars are good.  It's when she eats something sweet, like ice cream, it goes really high. Wednesday Sierra had heart clinic.  There was really nothing to change.  They are going to continue to slowly wean her down on her prednisone.  Hopefully, if all goes well with Gage's surgery and recovery, we can go home on the 19th.  No "set in stone" plans yet, it will just depend on Gage's recovery.

Lindsey will leave us on the 11th and return home with some friends. We had a fun visit from Lindsey's good friend Gelina.  She was being treated for leukemia the same time Lindsey was in the hospital.  They went to the hospital school together.  She looks great, it was so fun to see her and her family.  Jason and Gage will come here on the 12th.  Sierra will have biopsy and IVIG infusion next week.  The doctors decided just to give her and extra 2 months of IVIG to be safe, since her last heart was damaged by antibodies. We are good with that.

I forgot to mention, when Jason and the kids were here, we were able to go see Lindsey's friend Colette.  This was the day that Sierra was admitted for her bladder infection.  It was a good distraction for the other kids.  It was a really hot day and they needed to cool down.  The Vance's are a neat family and have been very kind.  Lindsey met Colette at the hospital school. Thank you Vance's for an enjoyable evening.

There was a question about testing for magnesium.  The answer is yes,  The kids have regularly checked magnesium levels.  In fact, both Lindsey and Sierra are on Magnesium Oxide. We appreciate all your love, concern and comments.  I know we will get through this and be able to return home soon.  Hopefully for a little break before the next wave hits.  Alyson,  it was so good to meet you and Madelyn this morning, you are both adorable.

Colette and Lindsey at the pool. 

The rest of the kids having fun. 

This is a random picture I took the other morning.  I was walking at the mall across the street and this mother duck and her ducklings were walking through the parking lot.  Very cute.


  1. Im always thinking about your family. You are so strong and your faith holds you up as needed. I really admire your kids. I know they are normal kids but they seem like.sweet hearts even when they've been through so much. Praying for you all.

  2. Still can't figure out why they use Mag Oxide, since such a low percentage is absorbed. And I hope they are checking intracellular magnesium levels and not counting on the results of serum magnesium.
