Sunday, July 26, 2015

Here for the weekend

Jason here.  It's about time I get a chance to check in.  Megan and I drove to Calif on Friday.  It has been soooo nice to all be together as a family this weekend.  Over the last 4.5 weeks  I have been in Oregon working both on the office and on the ranch.  Been very busy with office tax work, and ranch irrigating and haying.  It was nice to have Megan home for a few weeks, it got pretty lonely around the house.  Needless to say, Megan and I were both excited to make this trip to the good ole RMH.  Since we got here, I have been following (or stalking) Stacy around our little Room 103.  Stacy has been a good sport.

Sierra seems to be doing good.  The only issues I am aware of with our daughter is:
1) High blood sugar level, caused from the high steroids and prograf levels.  Hopefully it comes down on it's own or she may have to switch to another med that makes her hairy (no fun for a teenager). Also she may have to take insulin if the blood sugars don't come down.
2) Bladder infection.  This has been going on for over a week.  The antibiotics don't seem to be fixing it.  Hopefully they can get this under control as well.
3) Emotional stress of being on steroids (predisone).  Lets be honest, she is VERY self conscience of her puffy checks and tummy.  She makes a joke of it, but is getting tired of people making comments or staring at her cheeks and tummy.  She knows she is puffy, she also knows it is temporary. It is something she has to deal with as a 15 going on 16 year old. Today she was in tears from comments from one of her siblings. After Sierra stepped out, Megan proceeded to chew out her siblings for the comments made to her sister.  I was very impressed with how Megan has acted and stuck up for her big sister.

Other than that there are no other issues with our oldest daughter.

Saturday, Sierra drove us all to Santa Rosa to Aiden's memorial service.  It was very enjoyable trip.  She drove right through San Francisco, along 19th ave, across the Golden Gate Bridge, and up to Santa Rosa.  We picked Lindsey from her transplant camp, Camp Dorthy. Sierra went to it 4-5 years ago.  Sierra loved it then, and Lindsey loved it now.  Then to Aiden's memorial service.  It was a very good thing to do.  So sad to hear the story of Aiden going for transplant with all the excitement of a better life.  Then the tragedy of not making it through the surgery. We knew them well 3 years ago when Lindsey was on the Berlin. And now they have to learn to deal with the loss of their precious little boy.

After the service, we spent some time at Angel, Ben, and Ava's.  Ben received his transplant 9 years ago on the same day as Sierra's.  It was good to see them.

Tonight we went down in the river bottom behind the RMH to cook smores.  It was nice to sit around a little make shift camp fire to cook smores and just enjoy being together.  It's the little things we enjoy the most.

Looking forward, Gage has an appointment Tuesday.  After his appointment, I will take him, Hunter, Lindsey, Megan, and a big ole suburban full of stuff back to Oregon. Then, on August 19, Sierra and Stacy should be coming home, only 2 months after transplant.  That will be nice to get her home before school starts.

It's all good, Jason

 Picking up Lindsey.
 Sierra taking us on a road trip.
Lindsey's camp councilor
 Stacy and Angel
 Breakfast in the RMH.
Stacy's councilor's at Camp Dorthy.



  1. Hopefully Sierra isn't on a Fluoroquinolone antibiotic. Those can really mess with your blood sugar.

  2. Nice photo bomb there by Ben. Also, Sierra I can tell you are a big sister as you must have eyes in the back of your head :)

  3. Hello, I was one of Lindsey's counselors at St. Dorothy's this last year, and was Sierra's counselor back in 2012. I just want to say that I am praying for your family! You all are a huge inspritation! Hopefully I will have the pleasure of being Gage's camp counselor in the future!
