Thursday, July 2, 2015

Biopsy Results

Sierra had biopsy yesterday at 10. The pressures in her heart were almost double what they were last week. This always gets you a little nervous. Due to the higher Pressures,  they increased her lasix to 3 times daily and increased the length of time the IVIG infused from 12 hours to 18 hours. This made for an even longer day. Lucky for us they updated the hospital movies.  Sierra and I were able to have a Twilight Saga marathon. After a long night,  we were released at 10 this morning. We just received the call that Sierra's biopsy was. .... Another ZERO! !  That just goes to show that you can never call these things. When you think it is going to be bad news, it's good. when your expecting good,  it's bad. Needless to say we are thrilled with the results.

Hunter,  Gage and Lindsey had a slumber party at my dear friend Michelle ' s here in palo Alto. Thank you Michelle,  I don't know what I would do without you. We are going to have a fun 4 th of July and enjoy a nice weekend knowing everything is going well.

On a sad,  yet happy note,  our dear friends the Thomas's are leaving to go back home to Oregon today. We will miss them and their adorable kids. Cute little Tristen, knocking on our door with her cute little,  "Hello. " wyatt giving the boys someone to wrestle with and play football.  And of course the great parents to hang out with. We will be close behind them and look forward to seeing them in Oregon. Happy 4 th of July everyone!


  1. Happy 4th guys. I'm thrilled about your 0 Sierra. -Kay

  2. Zero Zero YEA! Way to go go! We love getting updates, especially good ones. Keep the lid on those pressures and have a Happy 4th! Love Phil and Judy

  3. I can't imagine how nerve wrecking this is on ALL of you. This is really wonderful news. thank you for you updates. I hope all of you have a great 4th of July. Yeah!!!!
