Thursday, June 25, 2015

Discharged Today

Sierra was released from the hospital today.  She made the record.  The soonest they have ever had anyone out after transplant is 10 days, she did it in 8. She looks and acts great other than a little soreness on her chest (understandably so).

So now what?  One might ask.  We are released to go to the RMH where we will stay for 3 months.  She will have weekly biopsies for a month and then they will go every other week, then monthly.  This will go along with weekly clinic visits and echos.  She had 2 more 13 hour IVIG infusions, one next week and the other 2 weeks following.  They will retest her antibodies and if she is negative she will not have to have the IVIG again.  She is so strong that she will not be needing any physical therapy.  Compared to the schedule Lindsey had, Sierra's is a breeze.  Lindsey had physical therapy and psych that added a lot of extra appointments.  With this schedule, we should be back home in time to start school, which will be wonderful!!

I added a few pictures from the last couple days.  We were able to see Shaambak and Ben who look absolutely amazing.  As well as their awesome parents.  So good to see our dear friends. The hospital showed the new Pixar movie, "Inside Out."  Unfortunately, Sierra did not see any of it, because she was getting educated so she could be discharged.  We will have to hit a matinee.

We are so grateful for how this has turned out. Also,  for another family that has found the ability to give through a  tragic situation.  We feel so truly blessed right now, our hearts are full. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.


  1. Way to go. Keeping you in my prayers.

  2. Absolutely fantastic, miraculous, stupendous, fabulous, wonderful, AWESOME!!! Prayers answered, and so happy for all of you!!! Sierra, you look GREAT!!

  3. There are no words for this, but maybe a couple of tears.

  4. There are no words for this, but maybe a couple of tears.

  5. Congratulations! Onward and upward!

  6. So happy for you all!!!!

  7. Congratulations!! I am so happy she is doing well. We have been praying for Sierra and are thrilled she is discharged. We will be at LPCH from AZ next week for Owen's biopsy on Wed. If we see you we will stop and say hello since our paths cross all the time. We will continue to pray for no rejection and a smooth recovery. Congrats again!

    Andrea (just so you know we aren't crazy stalker peeps) :)

  8. What an amazing young lady Miss Sierra is. My girls and I will continue praying for her recovery. She looks so beautiful! Pulling through this journey with pure elegance. Love you all and can't wait to see you back home.
