Wednesday, June 17, 2015

5:20 am. She is out.

Just wanted to make a few comments. It was a long night, mostly waiting and trying to sleep in some awful waiting room chairs.  Both doctors Katz and Olaf came out to tell us her progress. They both said the surgery went very well.  The new heart did not come from a long way off so it started up without  the 'paddles'.  When the blood was introduced, it remembered what to do and took off.  Had several interviews through out the night with Sandy regarding the status.

Of course Dr Axelrod, is on duty in the CVICU and will be taking care of Sierra.  This is the same Axelrod that helped with Sierra 9 years ago, with Lindsey on the Berlin, helped with Gage on the pacemaker, and who our dog is named after.  We trust this guy.

Things to watch for now is her kidney function, they will recover, but will probably get worse for a spell.  Hope to take the breathing tube out maybe late today.

Still feel sadness for Nick's family.  This is probably of tough day for them.  Not to mention new donor family.  We have many hero's

All very tired and ready for bit of rest.

 Just coming out of surgery this morning.
 Actual pictures of her old heart.

 And the new
 Dr Axelrod in with Sierra

    And of course, our dog, Axelrod.


  1. Those pictures are amazing. To see the time frame is also pretty cool. I hope Nick's family can feel peace and fulfillment with how things turned out!

  2. I got a call yesterday at work, in Alaska, from Shawn Stockwell's grandpa to let me know a heart has been found for Sierra. I immediately called Dale, in Utah, with the news. Much love and prayers continuing from the Olsen Twins.
    P.S. Does Sierra need some jokes?

  3. Fantastic....all this news!!! Nicholas's heart gave a young girl the chance to live and grow into an amazing young woman. Now the baton has been passed to another generous soul and family to do the give Sierra the gift of continuing on her journey. Can't ask for more than that.

  4. Nothing short of incredible. Pretty amazing. Prayers for Sierra. God bless Dr. Axelrod and the entire transplant team. Sending strength and love from upstate New York. Externally grateful to the donor .

  5. We are so thankful and happy to have been on this journey with the Bingham family <3 We are sad to day :( But also very excited and happy for Sierra and her family we were dreading this day, but also praying that it would come soon. From the begining our main concern was and still is for Sierra to have a healthy happy life.

    With love Nick's family

    1. I think the one thing I have learned in my old age is we are not here to aquire things and a large coffer. We are here to help our fellow man because, after all, we are all one. Bless your family. You gave all you had. Love to you and yours.

    2. I think the one thing I have learned in my old age is we are not here to aquire things and a large coffer. We are here to help our fellow man because, after all, we are all one. Bless your family. You gave all you had. Love to you and yours.

  6. I’m sorry to leave this anonymously but I’m embarrassed to say that I’m jealous of the closeness of your family. I went to school with you and I know that Jason, Stacy and the kids are amazing people. I’m glad that your trials have brought your family closer. I’m afraid it would have ripped my family apart. You are good people. You deserve the God’s protection and all the happiness you can get in this life.

  7. If you find it appropriate to do so, please share what you know about the new donor and also what will happen to the old heart. Will it be given to the family or anything special?
