Saturday, May 30, 2015

Quick Update - May 30, 2015

I forgot to mention, as of yesterday, Sierra has moved up to a 1A status.  This doesn't move her name up on "the list", it just makes her need for a heart more urgent.  So, if there were 2 people the same size and blood type, the 1A status would get it before the 1B.  She is not "feeling" any different on the milranone, but her appetite has been a little better.  She had a good day yesterday.  The milranone is doing what they were hoping it would do.  She peed out 1.9 Liters of fluid and her weight was down the same amount.  The kidneys are handling the diuretics well.  We are not speaking discharge yet, they want to continue to see the positive trend before releasing her.  It may be another week at least.  When she is discharged, she will go to the RMH on the continuous drip of milranone.

Last night was the annual hospital prom.  This is a pretty amazing event here at the hospital.  Right up there with the Halloween festivity that they have.  The staff at the hospital school start planning this in the fall.  They put a lot of work into it.  We were able to go when Lindsey was here, right before we went home.  That was our first prom that we've attended.  Last night was our second.  It was "A night at the Oasis" theme.  It was decorated amazingly well.  They had all kinds of booths set up,  games, food, crafts, pictures and a DJ playing for the dance floor. They received tickets and then cashed their tickets in at the end for prizes (very nice gifts).  What was so neat about this event, was to watch all of these kids, that at some point had attended the hospital school because of an illness. To see these kids healed and looking healthy.  Quite a few kids we recognized from when Lindsey went to school there, 2 years ago.  It was quite humbling and encouraging.  Sierra went with her friend Alex, and my date was Gage.  We had a great time.

Today we have just hung out, wishing we could help with all the projects there are to do at home.

Me and my date right before the dance.

Sierra and Alex, exchanging flowers. 

This is Gelina and her little brother.  Gelina was getting treatments for leukemia while Lindsey was in the hospital.  They were in school together the whole school year.  I almost didn't recognize her with hair. 

Sierra trying her hand at a ball toss.  Gage watching as he was ready to do it next. 

Me pinning my dates boutonniere on him. 

Gage's prize last night was this "Hulk."  He slept with it and then put it in the shower with him and soaped it up.  It is one clean "Hulk."

Hanging out outside this morning.  Proof to Jason that we are not just sitting in her room all day going stir crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Darling pictures. So sorry for your needed return to the hospital. Prayers bring said for the medical staff, your family, and Nicholas s family whos family made such a difficult decision.
