Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 22 2015 , long overdue update


Sorry I haven’t posted for over 2 MONTHS, but it’s was tax season and I was (and still am) incredibly busy, so deal with it :)  During tax season my life has been pretty basic, work, sleep, back to work.  Stacy and the kids on the other hand have been going full bore.

To update on Sierra, she was officially put on the transplant list March 24.  She looks and acts exactly the same as she did a month ago.  I wish we could get her to exercise more, but she just has no desire. This is directly related to her weakening heart mixed with a little easy going attitude.  They have had to increase her meds quite a bit in an attempt to support the weakening heart.  We have the same worries and concerns, but basically it has been a good couple of months.

Sierra had a checkup in Calif.  Given her heart and kidney functions, they told us to plan for more than a 'quick trip'.  After the echo this morning, they have admitted her to 3 West for observation.  Her weight is trending up, kidney function is stressed, and she has had some dizzy spells (2-4 times a day).  So they want to put her on the monitor and watch her close for a couple of days.  Rosenthal said that even though she looks and acts great, that can be diseaving. He does NOT like how she is trending, and he wants to get a closer look at the situation.  That is all we really know for now.  I am here in Oregon with all the kids and Stacy is on 3 West with Sierra.  

In other news.... 

Lindsey, Hunter and Megan all had good basketball seasons and Sierra did well in dancing.  Now it is on to baseball for the boys and club volleyball for Megan.

Couple of fun events we don’t want to forget.

Went to the last Aggie home game of the season.  The coach, Stew Morrill, was retiring so we went down for the game.  We had 22 people in our group, 16 of which were kids. We had our family, Jeff and Jenny Yeck and their 6 kids, and Troy and Sharon Kunzler and his 5.  Jeff, Troy and I were roommates during our college days. Things have surely changed since then.   We had to scalp tickets to get everyone it.  We all sat in the student section and had a great time.  Wild Bill was there dressed as a peacock, and the student section was rocking.  We need to do that more often.

Other activities (which I didn’t see or hardly knew about) include, Stacy and Lindsey speaking at the DMV on behalf of organ donation, Hunter’s Blue and Gold Cub Scout banquet, Megan and Lindsey’s talent show, and Megan’s club volleyball. 

Took another quick trip to Utah for Grandma and Grandpa Coleman’s  mission homecoming.  They went on an 18 month mission to Nebraska.  This was their homecoming talks in church.  Had great visits with all of stacy’s parents and siblings.

I got a new calling in the church to serve as 1st Councilor in the Bishopric with Tom Issacson as Bishop and Jake (my brother) as the 2nd Councilor.  Tonight I am off to LaGrande for training.  Kids are somewhere??

I will add pictuires when I get a bit more time.
Till next time, jason


  1. You all will be in my daily prayers! Your faith and strength is amazing. I love that. I know the Lord is with you and your children! Praise our mighty king for his miracles as seen through you. Thank you Jesus for all you do for this courageous family. I pay their Financial needs are met, I pray for all the doctors and nurses For doing what they do for this family. And I pray for mom and dad and their exhaustion. I pray that you throw many more blessings on this Beautiful family, and I pray these struggles they have in their life will cease and the rest of their lives will be filled with your pure love and joy. In his name. Amen
