Wednesday, February 11, 2015

On our way

It’s Tuesday and we are on our way to Stanford. With the four of us going, we decided to take Big Red, our suburban. Right now Sierra is driving; she is 15 and has her permit!  Look out Calif drivers!  Stacy is in the passenger seat keeping her between the lines and Gage and I are in the back chillin’ out.
Calif sent us the addenda for tomorrow:  8:30 Gage’s pacemaker adjustment, 9:30 psych, 10:30 echoes and EKG for both kids, 11:30 meeting with Doctors and transplant coordinator, 2:00 nutritionist, 2:30 Mary Burge /social worker, 3:30 to the RMH for an interview with Keith Morrison.  Stacy and I have made a pretty good list of questions of ask.  I will share what learn as we learn it.  Sierra has continued to loose weight, she now around 90 pounds for a total loss of 15 lbs. YES, that is one of the many questions we have for Calif. I am sure they will make med adjustments as they look at her labs, kidney function, heart function etc.

Tax season is in full swing, and I have a lot of work, but there are just something’s I just have to do. I will get the work done – on time, but not right now.  Check in later.

(4 hours later) So we picked up some hitchhikers in Burns Junction. Might as well, right?  It was my sister Garrity, and her cute little boy John. They drove down from their home in Prinston Oregon to see us as we were passing by.   They were not planning on coming with us, just decided to do it. We are excited to add them to our adventure.   Hopefully Seth will understand. Later

Wednesday morning.  I took over driving from Reno to Palo Alto. Sierra (or her parents) are not ready for driving over the mountains and into the ‘jungle’.  Now we are at the Blacks in Palo Alto. Gayle, Jed, Abby, and Isabell are very nice in allowing us to stay here. Last night Garrity needed some diapers and supplies since she didn’t bring any. So Gayle let us borrow there Tesla to drive up town.  If you EVER have the opportunity to drive a Tesla, DO IT. It is an electric car that goes from 0-60 in about 4 seconds. It was a huge rush.

This morning, Stacy and I went on a nice run over to see the construction over at the RMH and then through the Stanford campus.  Now we are getting ready for the day.  Had a good pep talk with Sierra about Janice Hayhurst.  Janice is one of my heroes that has fought through may hardships in her life.  Many times she was told she won’t or shouldn’t survive, but somehow she keeps pushing.  She is someone I have looked up to for years.

First up is Gage’s pacemaker at 8:30….   

1 comment:

  1. Great job Sierra with the driving. Wow that's exciting. Continued prayers for all of you. Don't ever hesitate to call if you need anything while you are in the bay area. We are just 40 minutes away. God bless, The Vance Family
