Monday, January 19, 2015

Understanding the zeros

I know this post is a bit overdue. This is all something that is hard to face. We just want to go about our lives and pretend none of this is going on. But it is, so lets deal with it.  To clarify some of the issues.
Both Sierra and Lindsey did get zeros. That is awesome!  Lindsey does not need to be seen by the doctors for 6 months (a luxury Sierra has never had).  Lindsey is actually bummed about that, she likes going to Calif to see her friends, teachers, nurses, and doctors.
For Sierra, the zero is both good and not-so-good. It is good because she has no rejection.  The body is not fighting against the heart. That is great!  It is not-so-good because the heart failure can not be blamed on rejection.  If it was rejection that was causing these high heart pressures and poor coronary arteries, then they would have something to treat.  IV's and meds could get the rejection under control. But since there is no rejection, there is nothing to 'treat'. The water pill they added has seemed to help.  She has lost about 5 pounds of fluid since last week.  This water pill is in addition to all other meds she is on. The MOST important thing to notice is how she feels.  Right now she feels and acts good, she eats well, and her spirits are up. I would like her to try exercising a bit but who knows how that will go.  She really hates to talk about it.  She just wants this all to go away!!
We haven't heard from Calif regarding going back on to the list.  They were going to get back to us Friday, but still haven't heard anything yet.  We figure they will let us know when they have to an agreement on the best treatment plan.  I have many questions to ask and understand.
Other than that, it is life as usual.  Lindsey had a basketball game, Hunter had cub scouts, Megan had practice, Sierra had dance practice, and Gage loves to tag along. We are involved in skiing, building snow men, and anything else we can find or need to do.  Other than talking about this on our blog, life just keeps matching on.  The best thing we can do is just live life and not wait for something to happen.
Till next time,

Treats with the cousins
Hunter and cub scouts at the police department
 Once there was a Snow man...

 Tall, tall, tall....

 In the sun he melted,...
And great was the fall there of!
Poor guy didn't even last 12 hours.