Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Aug 6, the Bingham Reunion

We had the Dale Bingham family reunion in Sugar City last weekend. Great time at Josh and Tara's. They did a great job planning, entertaining, and feeding us. Friday we went to and jumped off the Fun Farm Bridge. Seth, Justin, Josh and I jumped off the top. Even Roper and Keanna jumped off. It was a lot of fun.  Saturday we left early and rafted the Hoback over by Jackson.  Mom, Dad and Tara stayed back with the little guys.  Everyone else got wet and had a good time.  Stacy, Ayla and Lindsey got bucked off the raft after one of the rapids. Only draw back was that on Friday Hunter came down with a high fever and was wiped out most of the time.  It's been 6 days and his fever is still hangin' around. 

Kids a doing okay. Sierra and Lindsey's echo both looked good.  No scheduled visits to Calif until September. Sierra still has a nasty cough, and Lindsey is starting to cough the same way.

Doing a lot of haying here on the Warm Springs Ranch.  Stacy is really getting into the swathing and raking.  Tonight she is working her night shift, and Cory is out driving the baler, so I had a chance to update.

Here are few pictures from our Bingham reunion....
 Uncle Josh floating in air.
 Uncle Justin and I
 Ayla, Sierra, Megan, Bently, Lindsey, Keanna, Michone, Roper, Landon, Dalley Jo, Kallie, Range, Ryan, and Uncle Jason.

 The Dare Devil, Keanna off the top.

 I little fun and the sand dunes.


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