Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 30, Update

I know it has been over a month, life has really taken off for us. We have had minor highs and lows, all of which have resolved themselves. Lindsey and Gage have had the flu, Lindsey has had an ear infection, Sierra's swelling comes and goes, but all in all, it has been good month.  

A few weeks ago (or so) all 5 kids had echo's done. We were able to have them done here in Baker and read by Dr. Womack, the Cardiologist in Boise.  Bottom line everyone is unchanged. He explained a lot things that are going on in each kid, but nothing is getting worse. Stacy and I are always wondering and watching little Gage...and Sierra...and Linds, but so far so good. Calif is still concerned regarding Gage's V-Tack he had back in January.  They have repeated the test and have not seen any reoccurrences, but to safe, they want to put him on a halter monitor for 24 hours to really study his heart rhythm.  We will be doing that this next week.

Sierra's antibody rejection issues seems to be leveling off.  We haven't made monthly trips to Calif for IVIG and her antibody levels have NOT increased (or gotten worse).  That's a good thing.  So our next trip to Calif  for all 3 kids is in May.

Tax season is in full swing for me and I am as busy as I have ever been.  The sports season has backed off. Hunter's basketball, Megan's junior high basketball, school ski program, Lindsey's YMCA volleyball, and Sierra and Megan's AAU volleyball are all done. It was a  busy time, but very enjoyable. Coming up we have Gage and Hunter in Little League baseball and Megan in track. Not sure what Sierra and Lindsey want to do. 

That's about all I can think of for now. Life is good.

Sierra as 'Grey Beard' in the school play

Megan in the school play. Yes, she had a lead roll and did awesome.
And Hunter as a goose in the school play.

More pictures of Megan as the 'Old Lady'

Braces time
Megan and Sierra's club volleyball team
Kids waiting for their echos.

Spring baseball is just around the corner
I will be coaching Gage on his T-Ball team. He is VERY excited.

Last ski day :(  They REALLY enjoy that.

More club volleyball


  1. So happy and glad to hear that you all are doing great!!!

  2. Did they write an episode of Grey's Anatomy about you all? Tonight's episode had a girl who was getting a heart transplant, and while she was in surgery her sister got really sick and they diagnosed her with also having dilated cardiomyopathy and she needed a pacemaker at the same time. Then during the last scene the little brother gets sick. Did you know about this? It can't be that common of a scenario.

    Glad you all are doing so well.
    Meghan Cleary
