Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Feb 4, Just a Bug

Stacy here.
Lindsey is acting a lot better. Her Echo was normal. They are not concerned with rejection now that they have seen the whites of her eyes, and ran their tests. She hasn't vomited since 6:00am yesterday but has been medicated with anti nausea meds when her stomach hurts. She had needed less and less of the medicine. The diarrhea is still there but not as bad. Her kidneys took a little hit with the dehydration so they wanted to push her biopsy to 2 weeks from now.  That is when I presented by case.

Lindsey and I were originally planning on coming to California this week with a scheduled biopsy tomorrow. This biopsy was going to be an annual, where they go through the groin and place dye contrast so they can see the coronary arteries. However, the dye is excreted by the kidneys. Thus they did not want to put the extra stress on the kidneys by doing the annual biopsy. Rather than come back again in 2 weeks we compromised. She will still get her biopsy tomorrow but it will not be the annual. She will get her annual in May with Sierra.  That means we can home later this week (we hope).

We have had visits from many of our 3 West nurses and staff. We were hoping to go up there tonight but it doesn't sound like it is going to work out. Lindsey is really bummed. She was hoping to have some of her old nurses. Biopsy tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10:30am. See where her Labs are and possibly get discharged that afternoon. Everything is good. Thank you Jason, you are so good about picking up the pieces. Love you, be home soon.

 Lindsey loving the popsicle.
Enjoying the view of the construction. It has progressed quite a bit.
(This was the same room she was in when recovering from the Berlin back in July).


  1. This all sounds really good... Prayers where answered.... Be safe going home....

  2. Thank You Jesus. Continuing prayers! Safe travels back home!

  3. Glad to see Lindsey looking and feeling so much better!

  4. Lindsey you look great. Just let me know if you are up for a visit this time around if not hopefully next time. I miss you, Colette

  5. She looks beautiful, so thrilled she is better!

  6. Glad to see things are looking up. Praying for continued strength, peace, and good results.

  7. Prays coming from the OLSENS
    With Love, Mike and Dale
