Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Feb 12, One year ago right now

Since last May, I have been following our blog postings each day from 1 year ago. Tonight, one year ago, on February 12 around 6:30, was the call we had been waiting for. It's pretty neat to look back and remember the emotions surrounding the events of last Valentines day, and all that went into it.

Interesting, but I remember which clients I was working on when Stacy called me at my Palo Alto office. Just so happened I was working on the same client today, one year later.  I remember telling one of the law partners who I didn't know the good news. He was the first person I saw, so naturally I had to tell him.  Then the announcement to Lindsey, her excitement, screaming, and tears as she whispered, "I did it Daddy, I did it".  Then the long 36 hour wait..... 

This is a special time for our family. The thoughts of the donor family come to me often, especially now.  I wonder how they are coping, I pray God will comfort them.

We are mostly back to normal now. School, sports, band, work, etc. All the 'stuff' that goes on in livin', but tonight we are a little more thankful to have that opportunity.


  1. awesome.. glad all the kids are doing well.. pray it stays that way

  2. Yeah. What a great year its been for you all.

  3. That day, one year ago, we were all waiting and watching the blog, sometimes, like me, multiple times a day!! When we got the news, and saw the pictures, I can't describe how it felt to be a little tiny part of it all!! Thanks for always including us....out here in cyberspace....and know our prayers go with you all still, with grateful hearts to our Creator for his tender mercy.

  4. Thinking of Lindsey today! Happy Heart Day!
