Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Oct 16-21, Campouts and Volleyball

Couple of updates to get caught up.
Our family has been busy doing 'normal' stuff for several weeks with work, school, volleyball, band, nursing, hunting, etc.  Kids have all been doing great. They seems to be adjusting okay. As all kids do, they have their moments with friends but they are getting there.  One of the best things we do as a family is eat dinner together, and give each one of our kids a turn to talk about their day. It's a great way for us to learn about what is really going on in their lives. Anyway, we just haven't been able to update the blog. Now we are in Calif for two days for routine checkups, so it is a great time to update. 

Stacy and I drove down yesterday with 4 of our 5 kids.  Sierra has IVIG and biopsy, Gage has echo and pacemaker optimization, Lindsey has biopsy and echo, and Megan wanted to see some of her Calif friends. Hunter stayed home with Grandma.  It is a combustible combination when Lindsey, Hunter and Gage are cooped up in a vehicle for 13 hours!!  This trip we are staying with the Blacks, some really nice people we met last year.

These are a few pictures of the activities we have been up to.

I took hunter with me on a boy scout campout.  As a 9 year old, he had a great time hangin' with the big boys.
Tommy Huntington (the boy in red) explaining breakfast to Dwain, Colton, and Isaiah.
 Sierra's final volleyball game of the year. They beat Elgin in 3 games. She had some great hits.
 Megan warming up for a game. Lindsey singing along to the warm up music.

Megan serving during the game.
Megan and Sierra had a great time during the volleyball season and are now doing dance.


  1. It's wonderful to hear about your normal life! Thanks for sharing! Your posts always make me so thankful and I find myself smiling after reading them!

  2. LOVE to hear everything is going so good for you guys. And the kids are all doing normal things.
