Monday, November 11, 2013

Nov 11, Biopsy results

Biopsy results came in a few days ago but I didn't feel like posting. Results are not bad, they are just not what we expected.  Lindsey got her first 1a since February.  Nothing alarming, this just means some white blood cells are hanging around but not attacking.  They are continuing to drop her meds even with the 1a. The big drop is taking prednisone from 5mg to 3mg.  They also pulled back on two of her blood pressure meds. She has also had some weird irregular heart rhythms.  So for 24 hours she wore a halter monitor.  That way they can get a good look at any possible issues.  Soooo it's all good stuff, we all just got used to doing the zero dance. Next biopsy should be in 3 months (her one year mark) and echo in 6 weeks in Boise.  Speaking of one year mark, amazing how much faster time is going by now compared to the Berlin days.  

And Sierra got a 1b. This one really bummed us out. Her pressures are good, she is acting great, and had a zero a few months ago. This time they were talking dropping her prednisone and other meds, but not now. They want to see her again in one month for echo and two months for biopsy. This means our girls are off schedule with each other. Thank goodness for our Calif friends.  Yesterday we heard her antibody rejection came back zero. That is all good! That is the big one she had issues with while we were in Calif.
As for Gage, he is growing and gaining a bit of weight. They did say his heart has slightly increased in size since May. We really didn't want to hear that.  Pacemaker pacing along. Should last about three more years.

But you know, these are the cards were are dealt and we are dealing with it. It's interesting, for months now we haven't given our kids rejection and antibody issues a second thought. If you notice in prior blog posting, I don't talk or worry about it. The kids have been doing absolutely great. Lindsey is playing basketball, and is one of the quickest kids on the team. Sierra is active in school, dance and volleyball. Gage is Gage! So you get into this false sense that 'that' is in the past. Then it has a way of smacking you in the face and bringing us back to reality.

Anyway, sorry for rambling. I still can't and won't complain. We love being home, working, playing, living, all outside the hospital.  God has blessed us and we are grateful everyday for it.

In other news, Axelrod, our black lab, was ran over. He is okay...I guess. He only has a broken pelvis, and femur.  Vet says he should heal up, but it will take several months. He gets plenty of love and attention from his 5 biggest fans.

The day after we came home, Stacy, Megan, & Hunter and my mother drove to Crane to be with my sister Garrity and Seth and their new little baby, John Thomas. Stacy came home yesterday, a day earlier than anticipated. The house was not ready for them to come home yet. So Sierra, Lindsey, Gage and I had to work hard to get cleaned up!

That's about it for now. No other great thoughts or points to ponder. Jake and Dad sold their calves, 3 semi truck loads. It's getting colder, but no real snow yet.


  1. Thank you so much for the update Jason. We will continue to pray for you! Also, thanks for the picture of Garrity. So happy that another little one has joined the family!

  2. Thanks for the update and you're right we do so quickly forget the trials that we go through and sorta take for granted the good in our lives.. Sorry the news you got wasn't better but Our Heavenly Father loves us and knows what we need when we need it. Praying for all of you from Central Oregon

  3. Thank you for the update! I'm sorry the news wasn't what you really wanted. You are all in my prayers. God Bless Us All.

  4. I am sorry the news wasn't what you were expecting. On a smaller scale I know exactly what you mean when you think things are in the past and they aren't. I agree that we can't complain. What is, is and we take it as it comes and pray we are up to the challenge. No use worrying about what could be or complaining about what isn't! You guys are an amazing example!

  5. Thank you for the update, I think of your family and admire your strength. You are all amazing and I will continue to pray and have positive thoughts for you all.

  6. We always have you and your little family in our hearts. Our faith and prayers continue in your behalf from here in Korea.

  7. My prayers are yours. Keep the faith!
