Monday, September 9, 2013

Sept 8, School is in session

First week of school is in the book.  Pictures are taken and the schedule has started.

On Friday, Sierra and Stacy made a quick trip to Calif for IVIG. They took an Angel Flight on Friday morning, had clinic with Nancy that afternoon, and started the IV at around 9:00 pm. Finished the IV around 10 on Saturday. Then caught a flight back at noon. Thank you Angel Flight!  Sierra is doing well, but her weight is a little down, (grrr). Stacy and I think it is still affects from the prior rejection and increased meds (hopefully). Like I have said in months past, that little demon just sits there on my shoulder.  I ignore him for the most part, but he is always there.  It doesn't take much for him to start whispering in my ear. But for now, we are good.

The Butterfields from Enterprise came over for Sunday dinner. Very nice family. They are wanting to do a school project involving our family and organ donation. Hope we can help.
Uncle Josh, Tara, and the boys were here for part of the weekend. Fun to have them here.
Yah, that's Lindsey catching some big air with the help of Uncle Josh.
We had a BBQ Sunday afternoon with all the cousin here. Last we counted we had around 25 kids on or around the trampolines. We played a few night games and it was crazy.
1st Day of school. There was excitement in the air.

Megan is right where she wants to be.
The Calif coaches did a great job preparing her. Thanks Kevin.

Megan went on a 8 point serving streak. Fun to watch.
Hunter with some of his favorite cousins, Landen, and Ryan.
Still doing great.  She has had to deal with a few comments from school about her cheeks. She really wants them to go away. We helped her with how to cope with little kid comments. If it was me, it would be a back hand!  But she is doing good. Swelling not gone yet, but is going down.  We were comparing her cheeks to late May and it seems to be tailing off.  Her next biopsy isn't until November.  The debate is on, awake or asleep?

She is growing up way to fast!


  1. So happy to read your updates! Loving that your life is back to "normal". Hope this proves to be a great year for the Bingham family!

  2. Uncle Josh looks like he is having just as much fun on the trampoline as the kids! What a good time! Keep up the positive thoughts and prayers! You and the kids are in our daily prayers! Here is to a adjusting to school!
    Love Aunt G

  3. Jessie Cunningham (Betsy's cousin)September 10, 2013 at 8:00 AM

    So good to see the "normal" life photos!
    I think Miss Lindey's cheeks look slimmer. I noticed it before I even got to those comments of the post.
    I really hope to make it to NP soon and get to squeeze all of you! Or when you guys head to Joseph or Enterprise to play I'll have to come watch Logan anyway..maybe then!
    Still praying for you all!
