Sunday, July 7, 2013

June 27-July 6 catch up.

We have had many people tell us to update our blog. We are happy to. We have just been busy doing 'stuff'. One lady said, 'I don't care if you had blue berry pancakes for breakfast, I want to know'. Another guy told me, 'If you don't update your blog, my wife if going to come down there and kick your !@#$'!  Soooo it a beautiful Sunday morning, sitting on our back porch,  my good-lookin' wife is cutting my hair, and I finally have the computer up and running. For breakfast, we had oatmeal and juice. That usually fills all the kids except Hunter.  We haven't found the bottom of his belly yet, but we are getting close.

From a health stand point, everyone is doing great. I have nothing to report on them.  They all take there meds,  and blood pressure. Gage is eating and acting so much better than he did a year ago. Just to clear any confusion he has his pacemaker and takes 3 meds and 1 supplement. This next week Lindsey, Sierra, and I are traveling to Calif for the monthly checkup. Lindsey had biopsy, echo and clinic, and Sierra has 12 hour IVIG and echo and clinic. We leave on the Tuesday morning on Angel Flight and get back to Oregon on Thursday.  Lindsey still has the puffy prednisone cheeks, but we all know it will go away as she comes off the steroids.

So for the last week we have been enjoying summer vacation. They really miss their Calif friends but are loving being home.  Stacy has started work again at the hospital in the OB unit. I am still busy at the office. Kids have been playing, riding horses, helping on the ranch, sleeping on the trampoline, boating with friends, and just being kids.  Our wheat is growing  

I still marvel at the blessing in our lives. Every day I still ponder at what was happening a year ago that day.  Last year, Justin and Emily were visiting, Gage was out of the hospital, and Lindsey had the hemorrhage (internal bleeding).  She was so weak she couldn't keep her head up. These were still very rough days for her.  I was sleeping in the 3 chair combo (my back still hurts from that).

As an FYI, Sandy Cummings, the producer of the Dateline show, said they are re-running the show on July 14, at 8:00.

 Sunday Morning
 Contemplating the 40 ft rock at Van Patten
 Quin and Brandon making the jump
 This lake is a 20 minute drive plus a 30 minute walk. It is soooo much fun.
 Sierra and Megan went but I couldn't talk them into going off the rock
 Kade and Stephanie Thomas from Homedale came up for a visit. Kade helped us get some firewood, then we went to Anthony Lakes for a BBQ.

 Hunter and Tristen. She looks so good right now.
 Monday evening we went to Wolf Creek to go boating the Thompson's. As always, it is a blast.
It had been the 100's, so this felt really good.

 Lindsey going for a ride on Mitch.
 Hunter on Tucker
 Boys playing around. When Hunter and Gage get together with Range and Brand, the fun get's-a-goin'

 Thursday coolin' off at Wolf Creek.

 Now for the 4th of July. Haines puts on a traditional parade, pit BBQ, and rodeo. It's always fun to go and visit with friends. Dalley-Jo was a 'Self-Appointed' princess.
 Roper is on the 10-11 year old all stars. Jake is helping coach this year.

    Hunter finishing off a 1/3 pound hamburger at the Haines Rodeo.


  1. It's wonderful to see your family enjoying life! Thanks for the update.

  2. I agree - we are in Bingham withdrawals! I am glad to know what you are eating, playing, and doing. I think for all of us who waited with you, prayed for you , and held our breath through surgery, the follow ups are a sigh of relief! So happy for you to be back here in EO!

    A 30 min. Walk to Van Patten Lake? Are you ALL on steroids???? I need to work on my fitness plan! :-)
    hugs - Karen Tannehill

  3. I know you just want to get on with your lives.. we all need to do that also.. but your family is still in our prayers every night and you have all become our family!! We love you all and , yes we do want to hear from you as often as you feel like posting any info.. Just know you are all loved, we may never meet but you are very important to us!!

  4. Amen....and Amen again, and again!!

  5. It is WONDERFUL to read this post!! I LOVE to read the 'normal' life @ home and see pictures of the kids just being kids! God Bless.

  6. I love that contemplating the jump picture! Like grandpa used to say... "scratch where it itches - even if it is in your britches."
    looks like you made a great choice to stay home and have some wonderful 4th of July fun!
    Good looking load of wood too!

  7. What a wonderful place to have children and to grow up! I miss it very much. I'm so glad everyone is healthy and having a good summer. Thanks for the updates!

    -Brittany Marrione (Willitts)
