Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 23

Feels like we are back into the groove. Hard to believe how much our things have changed in the last 12 months. Just to keep things exciting, Hunter was sick with some stomach flu / diarrhea. We thought we were home out of the woods, then Megan got it, next day Lindsey, then Gage. Waiting for Sierra to fall, but not yet. As for now, they all seem to have come out of it. Lets keep it that way.

Saturday we worked in the shop for most of the day. Stacy and I sure enjoy doing that.  The Zundels came by for a visit.  They lived her back in the early 80's for 6 years. He was our Bishop for a time and she was an OB nurse. She helped deliver Justin back in the day.

 Had a really good rain her a few days ago, something this valley was really needing  .  It has been a bit cool, even started a fire in the fireplace a few times, just to take the edge off. I keep watching the Calif weather. They haven't had rain since January. They sure use it.

Stacy signed up to start working again at the hospital as an OB nurse.  She loves to be a nurse delivering babies. I'm not crazy about her going back to work, but her one shift a week really seems to do her a lot of good.

Till next time
 Hunter and Megan doin the mashed potatoes

 Below are pictures from 1 year ago this week.  Amazing how much Lindsey misses those days... really. Seems like all she can remember are the good memories, mostly the nurses, therapists, and doctors, she has forgot the yucky stuff!
 Another picture from 1 year ago this week!


  1. I couldn't be happier to see you all home and whole again. Your family is so close and well adjusted. It just shows how our Heavenly Father can take care of us. Thanks for being an awesome example

  2. Glad "the crud" seems to be just stopping by for only a short bit. So happy for yall. God Bless.
