Monday, May 13, 2013

89, Monday Night

Since getting the good news on Sierra, there has been NO medical issues to report.  I have to say, it was a special moment last Friday when Stacy told us that Sierra had received a Zero and her anti-body rejection had gone down (not away - just down). It was an exciting time. 
On Saturday we tackled one of Lindsey's bucket list items. We took the kids and 4 of the their friends, Nori, Mya, Alley, and Sadie to the SF Zoo. Since we had 9 kids we couldn't take 'Big Red' so we took the CalTrain, then the Bart, then a Muni bus. It was pretty exciting getting the crew from one train stop to the other. Saw a lot of interesting creatures roaming the public transportation system. Zoo was nice. The last time we were there was the day before Hunter was born 6 and a half years ago.
That night I took the boys to a minor league baseball game in San Jose with Neal, a guy a met at work.  It was very nice of him and we had a good time. At first Hunter wanted to stay home and have a 'movie night' and by the time the game was over his was ticked off that the game didn't go longer.He's a funny kid.
Had a great Mother's Day. Hunter and I went over to the hospital and helped a father give a blessing to their new baby.  Their little baby was going in for surgery today and needed all the blessing he could get. After church, we went over to Liz and Joe Niccums for dinner. They had pot roast, mashed potatoes, rolls, and salad. It was awesome. Stacy seemed to have a very nice day.  I sure have a good wife and mother.
Back to school today. Megan gave a persuasive speech on the need for competitive sports. If you know our daughter, it was perfect for her.  She gave arguments why competitive sports are good and why parents should not discourage it or avoid it. My favorite part of her speech was when she talked about teams that they were so much better than, and how you should still work on your skills and not get lazy. It was classic. There's a bid ole' slice of humble pie waiting for her.
Tomorrow, Sierra gives an 8 minute presentation on the Aztec culture. She is pretty nervous but should do fine. She has worked on in quite a bit. 
Lindsey has a biopsy on Wednesday and seems to be doing great.
Big question is when are we going home. They are planning to release Lindsey and Sierra the last week of May. School gets out on the 30th, so that would be the best time for 'Big Red' and the Mazda and head to Oregon.  We will be back June 12 for more checks ups.

I don't feel like we are saying good bye to our new California friends.  We have a long term commitment (times 2 or 3) to this area. There will be numerous trips and opportunities to visit and catch up with these wonderful people. We owe them so much for making this a good experience.

 Captured a cute picture just as Stacy told the news.
 Linds and Stephanie,
 Dr's Yeh, Axelrod, and Hollander
 Yah, that's Keith Morrison. Early June it should be on Dateline.  I'm already nervous about it.
 At the CalTrain Station
 On the Bart
 The girls and Nori, one of Sierra's good friends.
 On the exciting zoo train
 Linds, Abbey, and Sadie.  These 2 have been life savers for our little girl
 Hunter and Stacy 6 years later
 Stacy, 'Hunter' and the girls from 6 1/2 years ago. Hunter would be born about 8 hours from then.

 The boys at the minor league game in San Jose
 Waiting at the train station to come home


Anonymous said...

Happy for you there's not much to report! Glad you are able to relax a bit and have some fun :) As anxious and excited as I am about school getting out, I can only imagine the level of excitement on your end! Thanks for still sharing your lives! God bless all.

Tara and Josh said...

Loved the picture on the 6 year time gap. Also, (Rebecca) I love the Aggie gear!
No news is good news.

Par 5 said...

Wait...home? Really? That place won't be the same without you there. How great though! Maybe we'll see you in June (we'll be there for Jayce's cath on the 12-15)! If not, keep on blogging and Facebooking...keep in touch! :)

Anonymous said...

I love the pic of the 6 year time gap.... not so much that darn Aggie gear though :) Some day you Bingham's will come around! So excited for to get to go home WITH the whole crew! I am SO excited for Linds and Stac though! What a LONG, trying year! I bet it will feel amazing to see good ol' Talley Dobbins Lane again!

Anonymous said...

Just love knowing that the long awaited trip home is almost here. I know this journey has been full of challenging moments and a true test of hope, faith, relationships, courage and so much more, but you all did it with such amazing spirit and strength. Thank you for keeping up with posting comments it sure has helped so many friends and family to keep in touch and keep the prayers going for each of you. THANK YOU Cali friends for allowing the Bingham's to become a part of your special community! Glad to know you were able to check off another must off your Bucket List.....and nice choice Lindsey Lou!! Keep up the great work Incredible Bingham Seven! Loves, hugs, and many prayers to each of you xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

By the way I bet the interesting creatures that were seen and or noted on the train added to your day by watching the kiddos face expressions! People watching is always worth a few good laughs....likewise they (Cali's) sure would be chuckling at us E. OR folks if all jumped on board!!! Great pictures of a fun weekend! Does the sadness of the baseball game ending mean there might be a little man interested in baseball? Praying for continued blessings for the days and weeks to come!

Dean and Dawnie said...

We are soooooo excited for you! Congrats on great check ups. You continue to see the Lord's tender mercies and answers to your prayers. What a lesson for your children at such young ages. Heavenly Father is really there and he LOVES your family. So do we!

Dean and Dawnie said...

OOOOp's! Happy Birthday Stacy! You are the most amazing woman!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and that we love you. Your kids probably don't even know who we are it has been so long. I'm glad you have faith and beautiful children. You deserve them. I'll think of you again while I do dishes here in UT. BTW... That Aggie gear is UBBER sexy.