Thursday, May 23, 2013

99, Announcements

First of all...Announcements. On June 5th at 8:00 ET NBC Dateline will be showing an episode titled 'Against All Odds'. Since July of last year Sandy has been following our story and has taped various points in our journey. I haven't talked about it much because I didn't want it to be a focus of our lives. We have been working with Sandy Cummings from Bend Oregon. She has been very kind and considerate of our situation. We have felt comfortable sharing our story with her.  The main reason we agreed to this was because we can see good that can come from sharing story like this. The need for organ donation, to put our lives in perspective, and to separate out the important things from all the other 'stuff' are just a few of the reasons we agreed to this. They were here the night of the transplant, have been to Oregon, here when we decorated our Christmas tree, and have been here during Lindsey and Sierra's treatments.  Hopefully the right message will be shared.  I am a bit nervous to see that nasty ole chin return on the big screen.

Couple of fun activities to report on yesterday. After school and a clinic visit, we went over to Barbara Alhouse to swim in her pool. It was the first time we had been to that pool since early June 2012. Jane, Kerby, and Kerry were also there. It was good to get together with them. They are a good family.

Then we hurried off to Jordan Middle School for Sierra and Megan's end of year out door band concert. They both did a great job (I think). Megan's 6th grade band had 200+ in it, 20-25 clarinets playing in her section, so she could have been faking it for all I know. But it sounded good. Sierra played in the 7th grade jazz band and concert band. It sounded really good. But dang, it was windy and cold. Yes, in Palo Alto, it was cold. Well not Oregon cold, but we were not prepared.  We needed jackets, blankets and had only short sleeve shirts. After about 2 hours we were chilled.

Kids have finals today and tomorrow.   Some could be pretty challenging. Hopefully it goes well.

 Kerry and Kirby Gee


 The kids in white are the 6th Graders, Blue is the 7th.
 See Megan?
 Sierra in the Jazz band
 All huddled up. We must be wimps. Gotta love that Predisone!
Look at the guy behind us. That is a real human, (I think).
 Gage helping with a blood draw, coached by the Princess.
 His turn.
 Sandra from PT
 PA Laura, and Dr Kaufmin
Lindsey's final clinic visit before we go home. (can you believe that)


  1. Can you believe you just wrote that: "Lindsay's final clinic visit before we go home"! What a journey!Great photos, I love the end of school year activities! I sure look forward to the Dateline show, your family is being and will continue to be great missionaries for so many!

  2. Don't know whether to laugh or cry...but which ever, am so grateful for each of your lives!!! Looking forward to more progress as you come home and of course, the Dateline show!! Godspeed!!!

  3. Amazing! God is good!

  4. What an amazing and achieving last few days it has been for the Incredible Bingham Seven! We are looking forward to seeing the upcoming post with a picture holding a WELCOME HOME BINGHAM SEVEN!! The thought brings tears of joy to my eyes as the memories of the journey flash through my mind. Keep going strong and hopefully you'll be able to mark a few more bucket list items off before the big departure. loves, hugs, and many prayer xoxoxoxo

  5. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yep, Continued Love and Prayers! Dale and Mike Olsen
