Wednesday, May 8, 2013

84, Happy Birthday Stacy

A day of giving thanks. Sierra's heart pressures are down, from 18-19 down to 10-14. That is way good! Stacy was told they were taking the port out while Sierra was still in biopsy, so she knew the pressures must be down. I was with Lindsey getting blood draws, echo, and clinic visit. After the biopsy, Dr Perry (the quiet one) came over to tell the news. He was asked if he would sign happy birthday to Stacy but said he only does that in the shower and definitely not in front of a camera.  We find out the other results of her biopsy tomorrow, but we can start making plans.
Lindsey had a good checkup and will have another biopsy next week. After that she will go to monthly biopsies. The way it is looking we will be back mid-June for Lindsey's biopsy and Sierra's IVIG treatment. As for Gage, he will get a checkup and pacemaker check in a few weeks.

Thank you to all who have and continue to pray to God for our kids.  Last night and this morning our family knelt together and prayed to our Heavenly Father specifically for Sierra's heart, that the pressures would come down.  We also gave thanks for the many blessing and miracles in our lives. Maybe today prayers were answered.   I like to believe so....

So it's Stacy's birthday. What a great day to celebrate. We are heading out for the afternoon, and will be back when we darn well feel like it.  Almost feels like we are leaving on a honeymoon. 


  1. I'm very happy for you guys. It is good to see the pressures move the right way. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  2. YEA!! that is great news about Sierra.

    Happy Birthday Stacy

  3. Happy Birthday to you!♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Happy Birthday Dear Stacy ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Happy Birthday to you!
    So happy that you are able to celebrate this fine day!
    Yay Sierra for your great results.
    Still can't believe Lindsey did a biopsy without being put under.
    Ava comes up in a couple of weeks for her biopsy. Hopefully she'll be able to see you and say "hi" before you head home! Wow! Heading home...sounds so good!

  4. Out on an audit when I read this and almost dropped a tear! This is wonderful news. Grateful!

  5. So glad to hear that Sierra's pressure has come down! I can't imagine a better birthday present for Stacy. Happy Birthday Stacy!

  6. What a beautiful day today is! Happy Birthday Stacy, and yes, God sure listens! Beautiful news... xxooo

  7. So very happy! Enjoy your special day Stacy!

  8. A blessed and thankful day with much worthiness of celebrating for sure! We are so excited for each of you ALL and it is always special when our prayers are being answered. A blessed day indeed. We continue to pray for more of these days. Hope your Birthday afternoon was exceptional!! Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  9. I have a seat reserved for Sierra, I'm sure she would love to get in on the Civil War action with her PVS buddies! God bless and may you continue to get positive results. love, the Hamanns

  10. So happy that Sierra's heart pressures relaxed. Love hearing about your family prayer. Can't help but know that ALL of you have new hearts in one way or another. Your hearts must be so beautiful to God.
