Monday, March 4, 2013

Good Question!

Stacy and I forgot how relaxing a Sunday could be. For the first time we didn't have to rush home from church. We weren't waiting for phone call from the hospital. We played around in the RMH playground before and after church. We even went to the Zenger's for dessert. That was so nice. We never did any of this stuff before. We felt too guilty not being with our Princess. It was the first time since early June we went out as a family. It was just a nice day.  I remember 6 years ago our first outing with Sierra. It was a party at the Gee's. Never forgot that and the relaxing feeling it was. Today was no different.

Stacy is doing daily dressing changes on Lindsey's cannula sites. They are looking much better with just a little drainage. Still very painful though, packing those strips into those open holes. Lindsey just hates it, but knows it must happen.

Sierra is heading back to Jordan tomorrow, with her port still in place. She is feeling and looking better.  Sierra's next treatment is Thursday, same day as Lindsey next biopsy.  Stacy and I put together all the meds for Sierra, Lindsey and Gage. Interesting the differences in meds between Sierra and Linds. Many of the meds are the same but there are plenty of differences too.

Funny story....
A mother of a little girl in Hunter's class came up to Stacy after church with a funny story. Her daughter asked her, "Why does Hunter's mommy love his daddy?"   (good question!)
She said, "Well I love your daddy, why do you ask?"
"Well he has that hairy stuff on his chin."

There were several people today who were happy to see it go.  So am I.  But in a twisted way, I kinda miss the beast. Hopefully it never has to return.


  1. It is fun to see all of the smiles and family happiness. Today I am sending out prayers of gratitude for the many miracles that Heavenly Father has blessed your little family with. Love and prayers (of gratitude) from Korea!

  2. Happy days! Wonderful that you are getting back into the swing of your life :) Enjoy!
    Prayers always, God bless you! M.worIyxW

  3. What a great post!! I'm so happy that the Bingham Seven got to be SEVEN!! Isn't it amazing how the simplest things can be the most blessed? Elated for your family!

  4. So happy to see that you have had an enjoyable, relaxing day. Keep that great attitude. I love how you are so grateful for what you have. Keeping the prayers coming.

  5. People don't often realize what a blessing the simple joys of every day life are. Reading about your family and experiences has made me look at each ordinary, boring day with a more grateful heart. So, so happy your family had their first wonderfully ordinary day in a long, long time!

  6. That is great..I am glad you had a Sunday OUTSIDE of the hospital.

  7. So good to finally see! Your family is such an inspiration to us--thank you for sharing your story to openly. You all give us the strength to keep going through our little trials. You are always in our prayers.

  8. A day of Peace for your family with a little less drama... we'll take it! Love, Phil and Judy

  9. Love the pictures and Sierra, your hair is beautiful. Have a great week!

  10. Yahoo for a family Sunday filled so much TOGETHERNESS and to be able GO places as a even better!! We ALL prayed for this blessing. Love how kiddos see things and their questions are even better....Jason and Stacy, without each other you would both be lost and with each other you are unbelievably strong and make a super foundation for your family!!! Glad to see things are going well and will pray for this to continue. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  11. Best post EVER! I love to see your family outside playing!! this makes me very happy!! hooray!

  12. Such a happy day! What a wonderful update to read!

  13. Some taxing humor for Dad!

    Income tax is Uncle Sam's version of "Truth or Consequences."

    Doing your own income tax return is a lot like a do-it-yourself mugging.

    Isn't it appropriate that the month when the taxes are due begins with April Fool's Day and ends with cries of "May Day!"?

    What's the definition of an accountant?
    Someone who solves a financial problem you didn't know you had
    in a way you don't understand.

    Did you ever notice?
    When you put the 2 words "The" and "IRS" together it spells: "THEIRS."

    Continued Love and Prayers Dale and Mike Olsen

  14. That looks like complete bliss. The simple joys in life are truly the best. Congrats on your break away from a crazy constant way of life!
