Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 26, Wonderful Busy Day

I would have posted yesterday, but the Internet has been a little crazy and the kids had the computer tied up for homework (sheesh homework smomework).  What a wonderful day yesterday was.  Lindsey went to school, without throwing a fit.  This usually indicates she is feeling better and better.  The first week of school, we had to take her, with her Berlin, kicking and screaming.  Of course, she was still recovering from her Berlin surgery.  As she feels better, she looks forward to school. Gage and I packed a lunch and met Lindsey at the hospital.  It was a beautiful day and we ate outside by the fountain.  We sent Lindsey back to school and then Gage and I headed back to RMH.  We did something we haven't done in many months.  Gage and I made chocolate chip cookies.  It really made things feel almost "normal".  Mind you the counter space isn't quite what we are use to at home.  But, they still taste the same.

After that, our afternoon was crazy busy, but enjoyable.  Sierra had a dressing change at the hospital.  What this means, is we start the loop of picking up the kids.  We start with Hunter getting off the bus at RMH at 2:50.  High tail it to Jordan to pick up Sierra by 3:00 (more like 3:10), then on to the hospital to grab Lindsey and get Sierra's dressing changed by 3:30.  Lindsey actually gets out of school at 3:00, but her teacher was nice enough to sit with her until we arrived there.  Meanwhile, Megan is hitching a ride to her game that is about 20 minutes away and starts at 4:00.  The minute we sit down in the waiting room, the clock starts speeding up, as we are waiting for them to take Sierra back for her dressing change.  Long story short, we made it to Megan's game at the middle of the 2nd quarter.  (Whewww! and collapsed).

Megan had her first exciting game of the season.  When we got there, the home team was only down by 2 points.  Most of the teams Jordan has played they win by 25-40 points.  This was a bit of an alarming score.  At the last half of the 3rd quarter they shut the opposing team down and won the game 25-37.  It was a really fun game, especially to watch the girls be challenged.  She has another game tonight and then her last game on Thursday.  It is amazing to watch how the girls grow athletically and skill wise, in just a short 6 weeks.

After her game, we all came back to the RMH together.  They had movie night here and it was "Hotel Transylvania".  It was really cute, they gave them all movie tickets that game them; 1 candy bar, 1 snack, and 1 drink.  Hunter and Gage were in heaven.  All in all, it was a wonderful day.  I will NEVER take for granted how wonderful it is to be all together.  So amazing the stress that has been lifted, that I didn't realize was there, trying to go back and forth to the hospital.  Here is to another busy but enjoyable day!

(Ah, don't forget how much you miss your hard working husband, and how much better life would be if he were there, and how sad you are when he is not gone.)

Gage with the finished product.


  1. I know you don't know me...but I have been following your families story for a while now. Bless you and your strength and your beautiful children. Most people would have crumbled and given up by now...what an amazing, scary and inspirational ride you have been on. Just reading about you making cookies brought me to tears. Sometimes it really is the little things in life!

  2. What a busy day!! I can't believe you can get it all done... just like my mom said, you are the ultimate pioneer woman circling the wagons again :) I hope Jason's able to get a lot done... dang tax season can be a bugger when your whole family is located right by your office, let alone in a different state!

  3. That is awesome Stacy! It is so nice to hear more and more normal things you are able to do . . .together!

  4. Phew! Busy, crazy, wonderful day is right. And you do make some amazing cookies by the way! Looks like Gage is picking up the family trait!

  5. How nice to see normal! (Like a ramped-up, super-busy normal!) - Lisa Britton

  6. And you said that you weren't doing much "running" becasue of your knee!! No wonder it stays swollen up! You are amazing, Stacy. 'Great to hear that things are going well even though they are hectic. Love you all soooooooooooo much!

  7. Yay for another busy scheduled day.....and YES this is truly a normal day for the Bingham Seven!!! Always admired you for being able to take on so much and also still find time to bake up some famous Bingham cookies! Super Mom (and Wife!!)! Jason, it is a good thing the kiddos are keeping her so busy other wise she would have more time to crank out a blog about all the ways she is desperately missing and needing you!!! :) Take care and keeping taking those steps forward towards more fun filled normal days! Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  8. What a happy post! It made me smile to read it. :)
    Pam (Olsen) Whitmore

  9. This is so great to read about your day including baking cookies. We are overjoyed for you. We will continue to pray for you and your family as you get closer to your return home. What a day that will be. Thank you for modeling such faith and inspiring so many. God bless, Colette and Louise

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh, so fun to read this blog! Happy, happy, happy! Keep up the good work, ALL of you, lol!
    We'll still keep you on top (or towards the top!) of our prayer list :) Love hearing about your life! God bless! M.
