Thursday, February 21, 2013

Feb 21, Thursday, One week ago today

Started off great with glimpses of 'Lindsey' poking through. She started to joke a little and be her 'usual' self. As the day went on she slowly reverted back to the emotional mess. They are still keeping a close eye on her for seizures and other reactions to the steroids. They have stopped the cyclo that was causing the PRES but now that she is on Prograf, they are watching her for the same thing. A few times Stacy and I have wondered if it was happening, but so far, so good. Yes, it can be a little stressful.

At 2:30 she went in for her first biopsy. She was pretty nervous. We talked to her about being 'biopsy brave'.  When Sierra goes in for her biopsies, she does them awake with just a local anaesthetic. When she does them awake the recovery has been much quicker. So, for years when the kids needed to do something hard or challenging we talked about being 'biopsy brave'.  Lindsey of course did her biopsy asleep, but she was a bit scared going in.

Biopsy was done and she did well. All we know for now is her heart pressures are fine. I will NEVER take that for granted. Tomorrow we will find out the biopsy results. If (and that's a big if) she has a zero, they may turn down her steroids a little. Of course if there is raging rejection they will hit her with 3 days of IV Steroids. And if it is mild or moderate rejection, they may or may not do anything, just depends.

Sierra did school at the hospital today.  She sat where Lindsey usual does.  Her shoulder is still pretty sore from the port placement. Tomorrow she has the next treatment at 1:00 pm at the Short Stay.

This morning, Mary Alice brought by Lindsey's Berlin. This was the final farewell. They are shipping traeh nilreb back to Texas for servicing. It was interesting to see the machine that was our daughters lifeline, just sitting there, lifeless and quiet. Mary let Linds turn it on, program the settings, adjust the hoses, and run the override switches. Basically everything that was forbidden before.  For a few minutes we sat and listen to the hum and ticking of the machine. In a way she was saying good by to a major part of her, a way of life for 230 days. Thanks Traeh nilreb.

I am just now starting to get back into my work. This week has been a whirl wind of activity, and today was really the first time I have had the mental capacity to think outside this room. It actually felt real good. I was originally going to fly home last Monday for 2 weeks but have postponed my flight home twice. For now, I am planning to fly home Saturday and spend at least a week.  But who are we kidding, we are just going day-to-day.  Stacy's Mom is coming Saturday to spent the week, so we should be good.

Here is one for ya. This morning between Midnight at 6:30 am someone stole the buggy off the back of our bike. We had the bike locked in front of the RMH and some low life had the nerve to steel it.  What exactly are they going to do with it? Sell if for drugs? Hook it to your bike and take your own kids in it. It was at the RMH!  Wow, what a guy?  We used that thing for groceries, Gage, and transfering clean clothes and supplies between the RMH and LPCH.

Tracy and Kim, 2 wonderful nurses from 3 West, just came by for a fun social visit.  They sure brighten her day. Earlier Shannon came by and did the same thing. Those nurses are family to her, sure means a lot when they make the extra effort to brighten her spirits.

My Mom is at the RMH with the kids. Haven't seen much of Hunter or Megan.  Once we get moved up to 3 West, we can finally start living as a family. Just been a crazy week.
 'English' Tracy and Kim P

Lindsey heading in for Biopsy
Later Traeh


  1. I hope to hear you have good biopsy results!!! God Bless y'all!

  2. Wow! I am so sorry for the theft of your buggy. So not right. I am so grateful that Lindsey is doing better. So here is the only joke that I can actually remember.

    Knock, knock.
    Who's there?
    Anita who?
    Anita Hug.

    Keeping you and your families in our prayers.

  3. I read your post to my mom via FaceTime and when I told her about the buggy she said something along the lines of "It wouldn't be a day in the Bingham Family without some sort of excitement!"... How true that is!!

    Lindsey! Great job being Biopsy Brave! You made it through your first one! GREAT JOB PRINCESS!! And Miss Sierra? Good job being so strong and brave with everything you are going through and being a rock for Lindsey! I'm sure she appreciates your strength, testimony, experience and love more than you will ever know! You are a very very big example to me- so thank you for being the amazing person you are!!

  4. These pictures are wonderful and you just see the love that surrounds Lindsey and Sierra and ultimately God's grace. You.have so many people pulling for all of you. Colette wears her bracelet every day that she made with Lindsey and every morning waits for the latest news. We are anxious to come visit you soon in 3W. God bless you all and keep you strong. The Vance Family

  5. Lindsey we are hoping to do the ZERO dance tomorrow. We like to celebrate with pancakes after. You will have to start your own after biopsy tradition!!! You are doing amazing and we are excited for you to get to RMH!!!!! Thinking of you and Sierra all the time!!
    Ava and family

  6. Wow! What a week! Lindsey, I still get nervous when Ava goes in for her biopsy. She's much braver than I am! I need to learn to be biopsy brave like YOU!!! Funny, pancakes are Ava's "after biopsy" tradition too! She is still super excited about the idea of going to transplant camp with you! We are all so excited about your amazing progress this week! Way to go, Lindsey!

  7. Praying for a big ZERO and a good report on heart prrssure Miss Lindsey Lou!!! Seems crazy that seven days have already passed....! Sierra keep it up girlie, you are quite the trooper and we are all rallying for you going through this treatment. I can't believe people are that bold to steal something like that especially when it's parked at the RMH locked up..... :( pretty sad! Jason are you still doing the three chair combo? Oh and Congrats to Chloe and her family... that's pretty big. We look forward to saying those same words to the Bingham Clan. :). Megan, Hunter, and Gage you are the BEST supporting siblings Sierra and Lindsey could ever ask for...thank you for showing what it takes to step up and be so helpful and caring. Stacy and Jason you are raising some pretty special kiddos and are incredibly lucky to have such amazingly loving and faithful parents guiding them. Loves, hugs, and many sincere prayers xoxoxoxo

  8. So happy to see the improvement. One day at a time! Keep on doing what you're doing. God bless your whole family.

  9. There is a NEW buggy/bike cart heading your way. It will be there to RMH by Wednesday next week. Happy buggy/biking! Maybe we should also send a monster chain and lock or some how rig it with a cattle prod that would zap the low life that tries stealing it!!!! :)

    1. Bless you anonymous person. Angels know who you are.

  10. Good to hear she is doing well.

    It is awesome the nurses let Lindsey say goodby to her machine.

    I can not believe someone would take anything in front of the RMH..How rude..they will get their Karma.

  11. Grandma always said, every dog has his day. But anyone who would take anything off a bike in front of
    the RMH is really going to answer for it and it won't be to us :)PS I had my car broke into in front of the hospices house in Spokane. Who would think that people would or even could do that ? Still I will pray for that lost soul also. I know things will get better !! God Bless you and your VERY brave and faithful family.Many prayers coming your way !!!

  12. Yahoo for good people, especially anonymous ones, lol!
