Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Jan 8, Day 203, Tuesday

Lindsey and I have sat here trying to come up with something witty, clever, or motivating and it just ain't happening. I left this morning for work, Stacy has managed the herd, Sierra has a ton of home work, Megan had no homework but went to volleyball and basketball practice, boys did their usual thing, and for Lindsey...another day.

I asked her what she wanted me to type.  She misses everybody back home and wants to get her heart. Pretty simple.  

Josh to answer your question, the left cannula healed properly with a good 'seal' around the cannula tube, which keeps the infection and inflammation out. The right side looks so gross, yucky and blaw  because somehow the 'seal' around the tubing was loosed enough to allow some infection inside. Once that infection is inside, the body works to get that thing out, kinda like a sliver we get in our hand when we are out chopping firewood.  You can see the puss and drainage around the tubing.  The dressing changes are done to counter the body trying to fight the cannula. If the infection or inflammation back off enough for the body to get a good 'seal' then it would look like the left side. But it won't. At least that is how Stacy and I understand the differences. To date they have never had to take out, clean and replace a cannula.  That would be a very BIG deal, and we don't need to be the first.  But if it gets worse (a lot worse) with redness all over the skin not just immediately around it, then they would have to take some sort of action with high powered antibiotics or surgery. She is currently on an antibiotic to fight the infection and hopefully that is enough.

She received a cute package today from the Orr twins, Sarah and Emma . Thank-you. She could tell that a lot of work and thought went into it. It was very nice.

Still waiting for someone to crack the British word story.

We are all missing the snow back home. Hope you are enjoying it.

Shaambak was moved up here to 3 West today. They are all very excited.  Remember, they have been here and in the CVICU since way back in June.

Here is to some really ugly chin hair......


  1. Thank You for keeping us posted on the days that feel like nothing new. You help remind me how proud I am to to be a Bingham! Lindsey I hope you have an upbeat day and your canula doesn't bother you too much. I love You! Aunt G

  2. OK here is the best we could do on the British Slang traslation:

    I hope to put on my boots, underwear and ' sweater and go AWOL over to the stairs down the road avoiding the Cop, truck, car hood and beater cars with my umbrella, raincoat and boots, use the bathroom and have a talk and a sandwich and French fries with my nerdy, crazy, lady. Hopefully not a rude arguement with her guy and throw a wobbly (?) over the shady gross money found in the trash. By the way, haven't heard from my sister on the telephone lately.

    Mike and Dale

  3. I just spent way too much time decoding your higgledy-piggledy foreign language just to find Mike and Dale beat me to it. I just about threw a wobbly. I'll have them know that means 'lose your temper'. I believe a better translation of skive would be 'sneak off' rather than AWOL. Shady gross money? How about unreliable dirty money. Heidi Bradford

  4. I'm glad mike and Dale decoded that. thanks for the update you are all truly an inspiration in so many ways.!! Lindsey keanna has the same turquoise dress from target. great minds think alike!!!!!! em
