Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dec 20, 6 Months Today and Gage's appointment

Jason here.
Well it's been 6 months today. A bit of a mile stone, what a trooper, and now we are lookin' for more! Lindsey spent a lot of time on her own today. I took my Dad to Walnut Creek to see a client, and Stacy went to Hunters class.  Lindsey did good hanging out with her nurse Shannon.  At noon today, Gage had his 2 month check up. Actually went well. His heart condition is unchanged from October and good to go until his next checkup 3 months from now in March. These appointments are always hard for me.  Stacy was gone to Hunters class so I was riding solo. For the Nurse Practitioner to get an understanding of how Gage is doing clinically, they ask a bunch of questions (all relating to heart failure), went something like this,
"Does he eat well?" 
  "No, not really, about the same as always I guess".
"Is his feet and hands cold?"
  "Yes sometimes, I  notice it on him more than others".
"Does he sleep a lot?"
  "Yeah, he does take naps, more than he used to"
"Has he been sick, or had tummy pain?"
  "Yes, he was pretty sick a few of weeks ago, but seems to be better"
"Has he had a cough that doesn't go a way?"  
  "Yes, since his RSV when he was a baby, his cough seems to hang around more than others."

Questions I had,
"Is he gaining weight?"
  "Not really, he is in the 21% down from 25%. His weight is unchanged from October at 15.2 kg. (33.4 lbs)"
"What blood type is?" (lets get the sticker shock over with)
  "O+" (Lindsey is O-) Both are the hardest blood types to match up with for transplant (there is a yippee-skippy moment for ya) (Sierra was an A, and waited 21 days)
"How is his pacemaker working?"
  "Great, his lower ventricles are riding the pace maker 100% of the time, the top is riding the pace maker about 10%" Meaning he is fully dependent on the pace maker. (another yippee-ki-yeah moment)  At this rate his pace maker will need to be replaced in about 2.5 years.
"How did the echo and ekg look?"
  "About the same as last time, no significant change in either direction"  (that's good)

All the above are signs of his heart failure. Right now it is unchanged, and that is good, hopefully with the medicine he is on and a new one added, we can keep this at bay for years to come. Currently he is on 5 meds / supplements.
Most of the time I find myself trying to deny there is a problem. I can't wrap my mind around the idea that he is really in the early stages of heart failure and DCM. Today while the Nurse Practitioner was asking me all those questions and more, I started to break down.  These are the days you have to face it!  The thought of having 2 kids with the same heart disease and the same rare blood type, just got to me.  Will we every get back to Oregon again? That is the hope isn't it!  Stacy is so strong, I have to be strong.  They caught it early, he is on all the meds and supplements he needs to be on, he is doing great, and is in good hands.  God is in control and will not allow us to be tried more than we can handle.  Look how well Sierra and Lindsey are doing? Lindsey is rewriting the book for Berlin patients. We are blessed, and I thank God for that every night.

Gage really did have a good appointment, sometimes the reality of this sinks in.

Meantime, Gage was having a fun time playing on the ipad, and Lindsey was upstairs in the playroom playing the wii with Shannon.  I am taking Dad to the Oakland airport in the morning.  Tomorrow is the kid's last day of school before Christmas break. Also, tomorrow, Megan and Hunter have their heart appointments. We will find out how their hearts are doing and what blood types they have.   

Happy 6 months Lindsey, we are one day closer!

Our friend Dina with a "Heart Mate." A device like the Berlin only for bigger people.  They can go to the Ronald McDonald House with them. She was being discharged to the RMH.
Below: Lindsey's sweet friend Colette that she met at the hospital school, at the beginning of the school year.  She has come back twice and visited Lindsey.  She is a very good friend and we look forward to her visits.


  1. Sounds like a not-so-fun of a day for you Jas!! Lindsey's day is coming... And every day is one day closer! And what a blessing that she is where she is so you had access to such amazing care to get Gage taken care of early! All I know if you and Stacy are amazing! Once again, so proud of you and so grateful I can call you family!!

  2. Knowing, through your blogs, how very difficult this is for you & Stacie, Jason I thank you for opening up & letting us share some of your load. Yes happy anniversary Lindsey!! See how far you've come? Good for Gage & good thoughts for girls chkups! In our prayers always & with our support God bless. Hugs & heart smiles <3 to <3

  3. I believe the God in trusted you with these babies because He knew you could do this ..(with Gods Strength.) I pray every night for U and Ur family trust God he knows.... You can do All things through Christ who gives U strength.....Phil 4:13 Merry Christmas


  4. .★*˚°。°*。°* ★*˚°°*。°˚°★*˚°°*°*★*˚°。°*。°*★
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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love seeing how your family doesn't just endure the experience, but creates ways to make life enjoyable in spite of the difficulties. I'm impressed with how you've lived each day of these six months. I pray every day Lindsey will get her heart soon!

  7. Jason, you are one of the bravest men I know and Stacy you are a ROCK STAR!!!!!! I am beyond words right now. Know our thoughts, good wishes and prayers are with you daily. I told you my job was to pray and keep you supplied with jokes for the kiddos. Here goes:

    What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?

    Why does Santa have 3 gardens?
    So he can ho-ho-ho.

    Why was Santa's little helper depressed?
    Because he had low elf esteem.

    There was once a great czar in Russia named Rudolph the Red.
    He stood looking out the windows of is palace one day while his
    wife, the Czarina Katerina, sat nearby knitting. He turned to her
    and said, "Look my dear, it has begun to rain!" Without even
    looking up from her knitting she replied, "It's too cold to rain. It
    must be sleeting." The Czar shook his head and said, "I am the
    Czar of all the Russias, and Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear!"

    Did you know that according to the song, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", Santa has twelve reindeer? Sure, in the introduction it goes "There's Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen..." That makes eight reindeer. Then there's Rudolph, of course, so that makes nine. Then there's Olive. You know, "Olive the other reindeer used to laugh..." That makes ten. The eleventh is Howe. You know, "Then Howe the reindeer loved him..." Eleven reindeer. Oh, and number 12? That's Andy! "Andy shouted out with glee." The proof is in the song!

    Q: What do you call Frosty the Snowman in May?
    A: A puddle!

    Love and Prayers: The Olsen Twins (Mike and Dale)

  8. Busy days full of stressful thoughts and concerns must be lifted in prayers to the Heavenly Father with prayers being answered and many blessings delivered with thankfulness and happiness. Thinking and praying for each day to be blessed with knowing it's one day closer for that perfect heart.

  9. It seems like this is a major milestone, but yet it's not the major day. And yet it's one day closer and most importantly Linsdey has accomplished so much and the Bingham Seven have taught the world many valuable lessons. Thank you Bingham Seven for that. You are each an inspiration and super incredible. I bet between yesterday and today you are exhausted by all the thoughts of concerns....anyone would be, but leave your worries with the Heavenly Father as He knows your path and will not let you down. Our thoughts and prayers are with you each. Keep praying and believing and those miracles will happen. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
