Monday, December 10, 2012

Dec 9, Sunday, Stacy's thoughts

Last night Linds woke up in pain around the cannula site again. This time I was all over it, I didn't want another one of  'those' nights again. They re-wrapped the ace bandage and she slept great the rest of the night.

Church was great today. It's always nice to go and 'recharge the batteries'. Helps me remember who really is in charge and how much we depend on and need our Lord and Savior.  The talks were great, and once again, Steve Young taught Sunday School. He actually does a really good job. Lindsey was okay with us staying for the full 3 hours so we did.

It was frustrating again this afternoon, because of nurses patient assignments and the needs of other patients, Lindsey was unable to leave her room from 1:00 to just past 6:00. That means she missed the playroom time and we didn't get to eat in the Sobrato Room.  I know the nursing staff is trying their best, its just getting old.  It is starting to feel like we are on a Boy Scout 50 miler in the Eagles, it's foggy every day, and we never seem to make it out of the wilderness. It just seems to keep dragging on and the kids are getting tired of each other.

Did ask about the PVC, they are all isolated occurrences and still nothing to be worried about. Soooo, I'm not going to sweat it.

Busy week ahead, kids have a band concert, and I am flying home for a week starting Wednesday.  This time I am not taking kids home with me. We have noticed it is hard for them to adjust back to our California life style, they don't want to leave Oregon.  So I am just going solo. I am already dreading the big lonely house.

Stacy here, 
Jason keeps telling me it's my turn to blog, but he does such a good job why mess with perfection.:)  My emotions have been quite on the surface today.  As we continue to get frustrated with different situations (i.e. Lindsey not getting out of her room, etc.) the longer the wait is, I have to change my perspective.  I start feeling so selfish wishing for a heart to come to Lindsey.  We know Lindsey is going to make it through this, it is just a matter of when.  My mind has been strongly with the donor family today.  Realizing what they will have to endure for Lindsey to receive the precious gift of a heart.  We are blessed, yet again, to have another one of our children cheat death and continue their life.  Some other family will not have the opportunity to see their child grow and become great people.  Our "inconveniences" in the waiting process are so trivial.  No matter how long this wait goes on, I cannot ask it to be rushed.  I am so grateful for technology today.  Megan said tonight as I was putting the kids to bed, "Mom, I am so glad for the technology today, if we lived in the olden days, 3 of my siblings would be gone."  That really struck me with force.  I pray for the donor family, whoever they may be.  My heart aches for them, I weep even as I write this now. I ask that they will be comforted when their child is called home to their Father in Heaven.


  1. Continued prayers for you and the donor family... <3

    I just thought of this verse for some reason...
    "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deut 31:6

  2. Stacy,

    If you need any help out with the kids or anything while Jason is gone I'd be happy to help. I'm done with finals on friday. Let me know if you need anything.

    -Meghan Cleary

  3. Stacy and Jason,

    I am overwhelmed every day by your strength and courage. Thank you for your inspiration and perspective. It helps to keep all of life's "inconveniences" in their place.

    We love and miss you,

    The Fritz's

  4. In my experiences, it is always when I have nothing left to give, that the fog will clear and the miracle will happen. Keep strong, it's getting close.
