Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nov 21, The Feeding Tube drama

Started the day out with Lindsey throwing up her medicine.  She felt good after she threw up, but the feeding tube came flying out. Linds was NOT happy about that.  We told her she gets a day off from the tube, but tonight it had to go back in.  She has been dreading that all day

So now it is 11:35 pm, it took 3 attempts to get it in, and now they are doing a x-ray to see if it is placed in the right spot.  It did NOT go well.  Lots of screaming and gagging.  They did give her some ativan to relax her, but all it has done is make her speech slurred, and a glaze in her eye.  The nurses are thinking they will need to take it out because it didn't go in the right place, but the x-ray will tell.  It's going to be ugly if we have to go for try #4. 

Dale, Leslie, Garrity, Seth, Ayla, and Keana arrived around 4:30 pm.  We are all very excited to see them. Tonight Garrity and Seth are staying at the RMH with the kiddos while Stacy AND I are staying here with our Princess.  Not exactly a hotel suite for our first night together in months, but hey, I'll take it :)   My Mom and Dad are staying at Barbara Alhouse's place, a condo close to the hospital.

I guess Kylara was discharged today, hope it goes well for her. Shawn and Trista will be here for a while.  They will be joining us for Thanksgiving tomorrow. 

Thank you for your great comments and great ideas about the walk policy.  The Doctors really do want her to go for longer walks.  They see the mental and emotional benefits of the extended walks.  They just need to get the policy in place before she ventures to another hospital (Stanford side).  As it stands, if there was a problem on the Stanford side, they would have to call 911, with the ambulance, fire department, and emergency rooms involved, even if it was something minor (like what, I don't know).

It is amazing what a strength Ruth Friebose is to our family.  If she can be home, so can Linds.

 Kylara and the kids earlier today, before being discharged.
 Art the Clown, ( a retired dentist from San Jose) entertaining the kids.

 Hunters new trick

Lindsey with no feeding tube and NO IV. They took the IV out and it does NOT need to be replaced. After this picture the drama started. It was not fun, but she was a trooper and stuck with it. We are still waiting to here back from x-ray on the tube placement.


  1. Hoping you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Keeping you and the hospital staff, and donor family in my prayers. Sorry about your feeding tube. Have a great Turkey dinner.

  2. Just wanted to thank you for being such an example of what a family can truly be. You are in our prayers daily and I have become a better person because of what you are going through. I hope your day is filled with peace and love. Lindsey, Charlie had had to have the lovenox shots and he quite complaining when he found out about yours. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

  3. Lindsey, you are such a trooper and an inspiration to all of us. Did you get anything special or accomplishing the task of replacing the feeding tube? I sur hope you won't have to go through that again any time soon. Never any fun, but something that has to been done, until you get your appetite back on your own! I bet you are excited for that. YAY, Jason and Stacy for having a night together. This is exciting for both of you, but I bet it was even more exciting for Lindsey to have both of her parents stay the night. Here's to a blessful and happy Thanksgiving for each of you and I hope your time with some family fro home is enjoyable and filled with fun. We will be thinking of each of you today and are thankful that Dale, Leslie, Seth, Garrity, Keanna, and Alya were able to make the trip safely. Happy Thanksgiving! with much loves, hugs, and many prayers ---xoxoxoxo

  4. Hi Stacy and family. Wishing you all a happy thanksgiving! Just wanted to let you know I am always thinking of you. Hope Lindsey didn't have to have the feeding tube reinserted again. Sounds awful! Hopefully one day Tracy and I will make it there to see you guys. We just bought a Honda accord that gets better gas mileage and waiting for Mailee to get a little bigger so we feel good about leaving her for a few days. But hopefully Lindsey will have her new heart by then and we could come see you in Oregon instead! Praying for you guys and praying for the future donor family. "Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God? Know ye not that he hath all power, and at his great command the earth shall be rolled together as a scroll?" Mormon 5:23 - Found this scripture the other day and loved it....hope you do too! Love Wendy and Tracy

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, Binghams! I read your blog every day but couldn't figure out how to leave a comment. My son who is visiting just showed me how easy it is! Lindsey, I'm so proud of how strong and positive you are. You are amazing, girl! So is your whole family. You all are in my prayers. Glenda Cutright
