Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nov 18, Sunday

Really nothing to report. But I understand, when I am home in Oregon and my daughter is attached to a life support system, I need to know there is nothing to report. Her cannula site is hurting again, and tomorrow is a dressing change.  The way she is complaining, I am guessing it has flared up again, but we will see.

Church was good.  Steve Young taught Sunday School.  He loves to teach the gospel and does a great job at it.  Michelle Hansen brought by Chinese food tonight. It was so good.  Lindsey even liked the sweet-n-sour chicken. Thanks.

Excited for Thanksgiving. Mom, Dad, Aunt Garrity and Uncle Seth, and a mystery cousin are all coming down.  The ward is going to help provide it. Should be really fun.  We figured out where to put the Christmas tree. There is a nice corner right here in her room that will work just fine.

I brought back the kid's piano books from Oregon.  Megan has been playing some of her songs on the key board in our room. I fell asleep today listening to Megan playing.  Reminded us all of home.

We sure liked seeing the pictures of Ruth Friebose.  Good to see her up with a smile.  We all continue to pray for her.

Another 1.5 year old was just put on the Berlin. That makes 5 now. They are needing to do some transplants.

 Off to church. We get Lindsey up and ready for church every Sunday even though she can't go.  She likes to get dressed up like the rest of the family.
 Working on one of Nicki's puzzles. While Kimberly (the nurse) is checking the VAD
More exciting posts are bound to happen. I'm still not looking for excitement....until it is time to shave!!


  1. Once again Gage is looking good for the camera. Sometimes I wonder if we all feel that way about getting dressed up to go to Church.

  2. We received the letter from Lindsey Lou today. Now I have a mission to try and find out how to make paper. Thanks Lindsey. We needed some sort of science experiment. I really liked the sparkles in the paper.

    We all talked about you today. We sure are missing you too. Want to skype again? We talked about things that we are thankful for and hard it must be to live in a hospital.

    We have been doing some work on a site called Edmodo. Would you like to join us? Maybe I can visit with your parents about the activities that we are doing on there. We also have another site called mangahigh. I love it because it's all MATH!

    I'm sure the people around Stanford are happy this week. They beat my Oregon Ducks! Dang! Stanford played very well. I still love my Ducks!

    xoxo and thanks so much for the letter. We sure miss you too!

  3. Here's to an awesome week ahead with great visitors coming your way. I am so excited that you will be surrounded by some of your loving family from home and I hope they bring you all lots of joy and happiness. I am sure Garrity will bring lots of laughs as she always seems to light up a room! It seems weird to enjoy those quiet days with not much to report, but we are thankful for that news and pray for more great days like this one. I am with you that we wait patiently for that exciting day that will come when Lindsey is blessed with her perfect heart. Hoping that her "flare up" on her tummy isn't going to be worst than the last dressing change. Happy Thanksgiving week to all of you. loves, hugs, and many prayers--xoxoxoxo
    p.s. we are enjoying some of those nice Powder Valley windy days the last couple of days, but tonight the wind is really fierce up here on the hill :)

  4. Hello, Bingham Family!!! Praying and hoping that this week is off to a great start, and we expect nothing less! :) Okay, well at least we pray for nothing less than a greatness. Good night and hope to hear about your upcoming visitors and see some fun pictures. We will be thinking of all of you and wishing you a very BLESSED Thanksgiving Day. Good Night and sleep tight to all! loves, hugs, and many prayers--xoxoxoxo
