Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nov 11, Sunday, Yecks still here

After our 'hang-over' from our big trip to the City, we returned to our Princess here in her palace.
As of Sunday night the only issue with Linds is the infected cannula site. We think it is looking better, but really who knows.  They are definitely not crazy about it, but are treating it the best they can, and it doesn't seem to be getting worse.

Other issues that for now have resolved include:
PVC and irregular heart beats.  She hasn't had any for weeks. They are not sure why, but they are gone.
Par Flu.  She does not have it, but wants her to avoid direct contact with other patients if she can.
Appetite. Still gets full feeding at night but she is strongly encouraged to eat or drink a little to help with her blood sugar level.
Berlin Pump.  Wheels work and ready for business. No clots in months.
Lovenox shots. None needed since her blood thinning level is where they want it.
Blood Draws and pokes. Averages about 2 out of 3 days. A lab holiday couple of times a week.
Walks. Still limited to 1/2 hour and all within the LPCH. They are still working on a formal policy.  I remind them of that every few days.
Attitude. Comes and goes.  If we let her sit around to much she can get down. We have to work at it. She is working at being nicer to nurses and people she doesn't know.  We have decided she needs to act like a 'Princess' not the 'Queen'.
Heart transplant. Day 145, it will be 5 months November 20. Waiting for the perfect match.
Stacy and I.  We are doing fine. Gage is keeping my side of the bed warm (Little rascal). We are keeping the faith, hope and prayers.  We understand this will be a long process.  God has blessed us and will continue to watch over our little family.
Chin hair. Trimming the furry friend? HECK NO!  Growing strong! Be looking for the first braid. (You know Stacy just loves it!!!)

No real excitement today with the Yecks here. Church, walks, games, walks, kids going crazy, ya know the usual.  There is a teenager down in the CVICU that has been put on the transplant list and is pretty shaken up emotionally.  She has been wanting to meet Sierra and ask her questions, so today Sierra went down and spent some time just talking.  It was good.

Jeff and I took the boys for a much needed walk back to the RMH.  On the way we saw a couple of raccoons in the tree.  That was kinda fun.  And, I forgot, when we were on the Caltrain Saturday heading to SF we saw a couple of coyotes.  It was so funny to hear the Italians behind me go on about these coyotes, about how they must have gotten there, and the only time they are dangerous is if you make sounds like the roadrunner. It was just entertaining listening to their thick Italian accents.  They definitely were not from Powder Valley, home of the VB State Champs!

 Jen teaching the kids a new game. Wow thanks 
 The Princess giving up her Throne... for a second.
The latest dressing change. Better?


  1. The infection seem to be down - that is good. Certainly lots of things to be full of thanks for this year!
    Loved the pictures inside the "park" though Landon and Ryan were wondering where the swings and slides were.

  2. Jason and Stacy your love for one another and for your family is amazing and your faith will help keep you strong through this journey. The Heavenly Father knows your strength will overcome any weak moments and knows you will turn to your faith and love to help guide and protect each of you throughout each day. This journey has not been a short one, but look how far you have gone with teaching the world so many valuable lessons about faith, love, organ donation, strength, bravery, and I really could go on and on with what positive role models you have been and Linsey, too. Let your determination and support from around the world help to make you stronger each day. Keep going, doing, and BELIEVING and He will BLESS little Lindsey with that perfect heart. We continue to pray and believe that you are in the best place and doing the greatest job you could ever do. May your week be blessed with more goodness and may your travels be safe and go smooth this week Jason and Gage. Loves, hugs, and many sincere prayers--xoxoxoxo

  3. Waiting for the perfect match... great way to look at it! The pictures are beautiful ... but... where are your clothes? It's snowing here now and we're bundled up while you're wearing shorts. Well I guess there are some perks for being where you are right now and being warm is one of them. We love you and miss you! Phil and Judy
