Thursday, November 1, 2012

Nov 1, Jordan Jaguars and the Oakland Raiders

First we have to say good-bye to our good friends Kade, Stephanie, and Tristen Thomas.  This morning I drove them to the Oakland Airport and they are heading home.  Tristen is doing great and they are excited.  It was nice having fellow Oregonians here on 3 West and at the RMH from Adrian, Oregon.  We will miss them and look forward to having camping trips with them up at Anthony Lakes.  Take care of those cute kids and we will see you soon.

Now we need to finish our Halloween events and pictures. We have more fun pictures.  After the hospital activities, I brought the kids back to the RMH for dinner and pictures. The Oakland Raider fan club and Raiderettes were there cooking dinner, mingling with the kids, and taking pictures. I think the pictures say it all.

Today it was back to work, school, PT, eating outside, and fun walks. No real issues with Lindsey, just the same ole stuff.  She is now back to weekly dressing changes, thats good. But still getting lovenox shots every 12 hours, thats bad.  They have to be getting close on getting her blood levels stable. 

Megan had her final volleyball game.  We were originally told the game was in Ralston, about 30 minute drive north.  When we got there (20 minutes before the final game) there were NO teammates.   In a panic, we made some phone calls back to Lindsey's room and she looked up Stacy e-mail.  Sure enough the game was moved back at Jordan.  Somehow we missed the memo and hurried back. To put it nicely, you could feel the tension in the Big Red suburban as dear ole' Dad was a movin' and a grovin' on Highway 101.  Big Red landed safely back at Jordan Middle School 10 minutes after the game had started.  Megan calmed herself down (I little) and hurried in. She played quite a bit, made a couple of good saves / hits and the team beat their rival Termin for the final game of the year. They were pretty excited.  Lindsey got a kick out of helping us out of our predicament and was a good sport about us all being gone.

Tomorrow Sierra as her monthly IVIG 12 treatment beginning at 7:30 am.  Hard to believe it has already been 30 days since we did that.  It will be really nice when her dang antibody rejection calms down.

Other than that, its just another day (#135) in paradise.

 Kade, Stephanie, and their beautiful baby Tristen.

Megan getting some air!
 A few more Halloween pictures
 More Halloween
The Oakland Raider fan club at the RMH
 Sierra and Megan didn't know what to think.
Neither did the boys, but look at Hunters face. They will love this picture when they are 16.


  1. Way to Go everyone for surviving Halloween!And really what a nice touch of class for the Raider Cheerleaders to come provide some holiday cheer to the kids!
    All your costumes are sooo fun! Way to go on your volleyball season Megan! Sierra Good luck on your iv treatments, you are an amazing gal! And Lindsey I am happy to see that Glenda the Good Witch from the North is a RN there at this hospital. You are in good hands.
    Love You- Aunt G

  2. Good Luck going to Sierra.

    looks like you had an awesome Halloween.

    The ward here had the maze at Rick Stevens and I hear it was the best ever..sorry you missed it. Maybe next year.

  3. Yay, for the Thomas Family to be able to return home and introduce their beautiful little girl to their family and friends!!!
    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of the pictures, and especially the pic of the boys with the "hotties" ... beyond PRICELESS!!!! I wonder if they Raiders would like to use that photo for advertising! :) Way cute and I think your right, they will be laughing when they get older. NICE JOB, MEGAN!! That is so awesome and fantastic that she didn't miss out on too much of the game, thanks to Lindsey's advanced technology skills. Sounds like you will all need an extra REST day after the busy, busy, busy week you have had. Congrats on finishing the week out so strong! loves, hugs, and many prayers to each of you--xoxoxoxo

  4. Nick told me about Hunter's eyes and this picture and he did not over exaggerate! That is hilarious! I am so excited to see Tristan in a car seat with her parents! So exciting for them. Have a great week
